Former President Trump announced earlier this month that his political committees raised more than $51 million in the last six months of 2021, totaling more than $122 million in total cash:

Trump’s been using his political war chest to dump money into key competitive races across the nation. According to FEC filing reporting from last quarter, Derrick Van Orden – a far-right candidate running to take retiring NewDem member Rep. Ron Kind’s seat – received a $5,000 contribution from Trump’s Save American PAC.
We’re just months away from the midterm elections, and we can’t risk losing NewDem seats to Trump’s hand-picked candidates. Can you pitch in $10 now to help us take on Trump’s war chest and help keep NewDem seats blue in 2022?
Over the past year, Trump’s organization raised about the same as the Democratic and Republican committees combined. This unprecedented amount of money in his political war chest allows Trump to maintain his influence over the Republican Party ahead of the midterm elections this year.
Donald Trump’s endorsement of and contributions to candidates like Van Orden hold weight in competitive races – and the prospect of the GOP taking back our House Majority this Fall is a dangerous one. Can you chip in $5 or more to defend our razor-thin Majority?
Thank you,
NewDem Action Fund