We’re incredibly close to reaching our end-of-month fundraising goal.

Josh Stein for Attorney General

Hi there,

We’re just hours away from closing the books for February, and we’re incredibly close to reaching our end-of-month fundraising goal.

To be frank, we really need to reach this goal. Monthly goals like this are an important measure of the strength of our grassroots campaign, and they help us plan our budget to reach voters, run digital ads, hire staff, and more.

Republicans are raising scary sums of money ahead of the upcoming elections — so we need to be sure we’ll have the necessary resources to win and to protect the progress Josh has made on behalf of North Carolinians. 

With just hours to go until our end-of-month deadline, we’re reaching out to our top supporters. Can you rush a grassroots donation of any amount before midnight to help reach our February fundraising goal?

Here’s the best link to donate: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/js-em-feb2022

Thanks for chipping in today,

— Anna