John, Tomorrow, Texas voters will take the first
step in helping Republicans save America from the radical Left.
The Republican Party of Texas wants to ensure you make your voice heard. Click here to find a polling location near you to vote at
tomorrow! When you vote in the Republican primary election, you will
have a chance to weigh in on important issues for our state and our party. Texans will also have the opportunity to express their thoughts and
feelings on 10 ballot propositions that address
issues like eliminating the state property tax and ending COVID-19 vaccine mandates, which will help guide our party's legislative priorities in 2023
and beyond. |
You have the power to vote for issues that will impact future generations of Texans – don’t take that responsibility
and privilege for granted. Now is the time to protect Texas
from the radical Left’s extreme agenda. So make a plan to vote on Election Day, Tuesday, March 1, polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Fulfill your duty as an American citizen. Republicans around the country are counting on Texas
to carry the banner of bold conservatism forward and make America great again.
Saving America, Texas Republicans |
for and Authorized by the Republican Party of Texas P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768 |