Today, we mark the end of February and Black Futures Month. Our
partners at The Movement for Black Lives have reimagined this month
from Black History Month to Black Futures Month —
it’s an invitation to both celebrate Black history and look ahead to a
radically just future.
In that spirit, I’m excited to share a new playlist I put together
for our Bend the Arc community to reflect on this moment and
rededicate ourselves to the ongoing sacred work of building a country
that is truly for all of us. This collection of songs is a celebration
of joy, hope, and reflection expressed by Black artists — a glimpse
into what being in love with the future looks like.
to the Love Letter to Black Futures playlist, embedded on our

In last week’s Torah portion, Vayakhel,
Moses recounts the instructions for building the Mishkan, the
portable sanctuary to travel through the desert after leaving
Mitzrayim. A group of skilled artisans constructs the
Mishkan using the gold, gems, and even dolphin skins taken on
their way from the narrowness of Mitzrayim. In building our
sacred spaces, we all bring something, and we aren’t all equally
implicated. Bringing something to help build the Mishkan also
means bringing something forward into a future when the present feels
shaky and unclear.
What can we learn from this parsha? I’m learning a new way
of understanding what ancestor bell hooks (z”l) meant in All About
Love when she wrote that love is “about the will to nurture our
own and another’s spiritual growth.” We can learn that working towards
Black liberation, much like building the Mishkan, is a
collective project rooted in love, where we bring what we can and
follow the vision of those best suited to build.
Today, I invite you to listen to the playlist and reflect on this
question: What are you bringing to our collective work of
creating a future where Black people are safe, free, and
At Bend the Arc, we’re committed to building a country where Black
liberation is realized and all people are thriving. That means
investing in Black Futures and Black love, in deep partnership and
using all of our communal resources.
out our just-launched playlist for Black Futures now. May it be a
soundtrack to your day, your work, and our movements for justice — not
just this month, but into the future we’re building
Graie Hagans
Vision Praxis Director, Bend the Arc
P.S. Watch
and share Black Futures: An Ode to Freedom Summer, an Afrofuturist
film from Movement for Black Lives that imagines a future when all
Black people will be free.