Tonight is our fundraising deadline, and it’s a big one.
What we can raise in these final hours of the month will directly determine what kind of work we can do in the critical coming days ahead to reach and mobilize atheists and humanists.
Countering the thriving Christian Nationalist movement means countering Trump-backed candidates. And that’s what we’re working day and night to do here at the Center for Freethought Equality.
Will you chip in whatever you can - $10, $15, $25 - or whatever you can afford to help us counter Trump’s base of Christian Nationalists? With your support today, we’ll expand our work to reach, mobilize and help elect secular champions who will rigorously defend our pluralist democratic government, created to be free from religious coercion.
We’ve got our work cut for us, but a majority of Americans side with us. Most Americans reject Trump and his base of Christian Nationalists. Most want a stronger separation of church and state, and a growing number of Americans identify as atheists or humanists.
Help us turn these majorities into real political power - and to stop Trump-backed candidates from taking power.
Thanks for all you do.
Ron Millar
Political and PAC Coordinator
Center for Freethought Equality
P.S. If you’ve already given to our end-of-month campaign, THANK YOU! Our records may not have been updated by the time this message was generated, but please know how grateful we are for your generosity.
Hi John,
Trump’s return to power lies in churches across the country, where Christian Nationalism thrives.
Last month, Rev. Ken Peters, obsessed with the 2020 election results, proclaimed from a pew, "How many Biden parades did you see? Yet he beat Trump with 70 million? Give me a break. We know something's up."
This is where Trump’s base is most energized. In churches like Patriot Church in Lenoir City, TN where Rev. Peters preaches about politics as much as spirituality.
Christian Nationalists believe not only that America is a Christian nation, but that our government should keep it that way. And Trump was anointed by their God to accomplish that.
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Here’s the truth, John: while a very small minority of Christian Nationalists might ever end up at an insurrection, the anti-democratic impulse that motivated insurrectionists is pervasive to Christian Nationalism.
Ron Millar
Political and PAC Coordinator
Center for Freethought Equality