John — At least 49,272 people have been killed by guns since President Biden took office.

It is impossible to grasp the full impact of such a staggering loss. But that is the toll gun violence is taking on our communities day after day, year after year.

Ahead of Biden’s State of the Union address tomorrow, we are fighting to make sure that the gun violence epidemic is not overlooked. Give now to honor the victims of gun violence with action.

President Biden and Vice President Harris ran on the strongest gun safety ticket in history and under their leadership the administration has taken important steps to address gun violence. But it has not been nearly enough.

There is more that the administration can and must do to prevent senseless bloodshed. This month, we were proud to be among more than 40 gun violence prevention organizations who called on the Biden Administration to take additional, specific actions on gun violence, including declaring it a public health crisis, investing more funding in community violence intervention and suicide prevention, launching a federal Office of Gun Violence Prevention, and more. Congressional dysfunction is not an excuse for inaction.

We will keep fighting to hold the Biden Administration, and all our elected leaders, accountable because lives depend on it. Can you give $5 help fund our fight for federal action to end gun violence?

Thank you,
Renée (she/her)


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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