Dear John,
After thousands of CCAGW members and supporters contacted their U.S. Representatives in our Action Alert campaign two weeks ago, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) temporally pulled an outrageous plan to raise the pay for members of Congress from consideration in the House of Representatives.
But now, when she thinks Americans have stopped paying attention, Speaker Pelosi plans to bring the pay raise to a vote as early as this week.
That’s why, even if you have already done so, it’s urgent that you tell your U.S. Representative today that you strongly oppose any effort to increase congressional pay!
Last month, Speaker Pelosi and the House Democratic leadership proposed to raise the annual salary of members of Congress by $4,500. Shockingly, most Democrats – and even many Republicans – support the plan.
John, that’s right. Despite partisan gridlock, fiscal malpractice in the face of our nation’s rapidly mounting debt, and a near record-low approval rating of just 20 percent, members of Congress want to give themselves a raise!
They already earn $174,000 a year – nearly three times the median household income in this country.
As I said previously, a vote on this pay increase could take place as early as this week. We need to once again demonstrate an overwhelming groundswell of public outrage to defeat this irresponsible and unearned pay raise once and for all!
John, before you do anything else today, tell your U.S. Representative to vote against any increase in congressional pay.
Thank you again for contacting your representative.
Allen Benjamin Johnson, III
Director of Government Affairs