He's running. Again.

Chris Coons

BREAKING: Jeff Sessions Announces Run for U.S. Senate in Alabama

Rush a $5 contribution right now to help Senator Doug Jones fight back and win in 2020 →

Dear John,

This week, my former colleague Jeff Sessions announced his plans to run for Senate. I know Jeff Sessions, and I know that Alabama can do better.

Sessions' right-wing record spans decades, and it sure didn't start with President Trump. Sessions has spent his entire career opposing voting rights, he even cheered the gutting of the Voting Rights Act, calling it "good news...for the South."

After being fired by President Trump Sessions is seeking to reclaim his old seat, and it's up to us to make sure that doesn't happen. That means we must do everything we can to re-elect my friend, Senator Doug Jones.

Can I count on you to split a $5 contribution between Senator Jones's re-election and my campaign? This race is a must-win if we want to seize control of the Senate in 2020.

Coretta Scott King warned the Senate that Sessions would use his power "to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens." And that's not even the end of Sessions' fraught civil rights record.

Family separation wasn't an official United States policy until President Trump and former Attorney General Sessions made it one. He also voted against the Violence Against Women Act and to defund Planned Parenthood. The list goes on.

Senator Jones is a man of principles and courage — a lawyer who prosecuted former Klansmen for the bombing of the 16th Street Church in Birmingham and prosecuted a terrorist who bombed a women's health clinic. He is a voice of reason, standing up for affordable health care, decent wages, and true equality for all.

Senator Jones's race will be the toughest re-election of any Democrat in the Senate, but voters showed us in Kentucky last week that Democrats can compete everywhere. With your help, we can hold his seat and take back the Senate next year.

Sessions already has $2.5 million stowed away in his campaign war chest, so it's going to take all of us to step up and do our part. Will you chip in $5 or more to keep Alabama blue?

Thank you,


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