At least half a million Ukrainians have fled the violent Russian invasion already. We must provide them with open and safe routes to seek refuge here #StandWithUkraine. Scroll for more on how Greens are fighting for a safe future for all 🔽



At least half a million Ukrainians have fled the violent Russian invasion already. We must provide them with open and safe routes to seek refuge here #StandWithUkraine. Scroll for more on how Greens are fighting for a safe future for all 🔽


The Russian-led war on the sovereign state of Ukraine has already seen disastrous loss of life and countless displaced people. As it stands, the UK will only be allowing Ukrainians seeking refuge to enter with a visa. Visas are only available to spouses, unmarried partners of at least two years, parents or their children if one is under 18, or adult relatives who are carers. Ukrainians coming to the UK face criminalisation if they fail to tick those boxes. The Green Party is calling for the UK to step up and follow EU leadership in granting asylum for all Ukrainians and establish safe routes for people to come here. #RefugeesWelcome

The Green Party has also urged the government to make it a key national security objective to focus on eliminating our dependence on gas following Russia’s invasion. Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said, 'our addiction to fossil fuels has encouraged us to turn a blind eye to Putin’s decades of outrages. We have encouraged Russian energy companies and Russian oligarchs into the heart of our economy and society'.


Caroline Lucas wrote for the Independent on why renewables are the solution to the cost of living crisis, not responsible for it, as some Tories are claiming.

Young Green's co-chair Jane Baston and Education Spokesperson Vix Lowithon criticised the government's plans to impose restrictions on student loans and university entries. 

Writing in the Independent for the start of London Fashion Week, Amelia Womack argued that fashion brands should be obliged to help people repair what they wear, as it will help tackle the climate crisis.

In a report by the Independent on alleged institutional racism in the Cabinet Office, Greens of Colour Chair, Kefentse Dennis said that all forms of racism need investigating and that '... we need a holistic and systematic approach to tackle the 'anti-otherness' status quo'.

Leader of Lancaster City Council, Green Councillor Caroline Jackson celebrated the news that fracking has permanently ended in Lancashire. Caroline Lucas gave credit to the campaigners who worked so hard for this.

The Express reported on a study commissioned by Green London Assembly member Sian Berry, that reveals a large number of households feel forced to own a car in London.

We are in the midst of a cost of living crisis, that has benefited big oil giants but forced people to choose between heating and eating. Like Green party co-leader Carla Denyer said 'the government is allowing energy companies to make record-breaking profits off the back of ordinary people’s misery. Its response to the cost of living crisis is to merely delay the pain and add to the anxiety by offering loans that will saddle households with more debt'.
Yet, the government wants to pour money into the fossil fuel industry even though the IPCC report shows climate crisis impacts are 'greater than many feared', according to Caroline Lucas. We are calling for a 'dirty profits tax', which could help millions of people facing the cost of living crisis. 

-- The Green Party

P.S. The Nationalities and Borders Bill, which makes it harder for refugees to come to the UK legally, is being debated in the House of Lords today. Follow @GreenJennyJones for updates.