If a candidate ever made you think that running for office is sexy, I’m telling you right now, they lied to you. Running for office is grueling at its best and damn near impossible at its worst. The machine wants you to give up; they want to break your heart. The more of a threat you become, the more they try to pick you apart. They try to destroy your morale; they try to make you wish you had never even thought of running for office. But let me tell you something, John.
They’re breathing air on our fire.
We have exploded as a campaign over these past few weeks. Now is the time to put our foot on the gas pedal. We have 78 days until Election Day and there isn’t any time for a water break. We have hundreds of thousands of dollars left to raise and hundreds of thousands of voters left to contact. But the wind is shifting our direction and the buzz on the streets and in the grassroots is she might actually win.
We need your help now more than ever. I am down to 4-5 hours of sleep a night with my days filled with signature collection, raising money, knocking the doors of voters, and talking to the press. My team is in overdrive as well – we are probably one of the hardest working campaigns out there if you haven’t noticed. My 3 am emails are responded to by 6 am – my 11 pm phone calls are answered.
Will you go all in with us? Will you help us put the pedal to the metal and win this election?