
In the face of both Republican-led states and a U.S. Supreme Court hostile to abortion rights, this grassroots team has spoken up like none other in support of my bill, the Women’s Health Protection Act. It is time to guarantee a woman’s right to make her own reproductive healthcare decisions.

As a nation we’ve reached a critical point in our fight to protect reproductive health as a fundamental freedom. Soon the Supreme Court will rule. But even sooner, the Senate will vote on this legislation. This is our moment to codify Roe v. Wade into law. To protect the vast majority of Americans who agree they should make their own decisions about when and how to have a family. That this is a private and personal decision in which no right-wing legislators or federal courts has a right to have a say.

This legislation has already passed through the House, and if we succeed in passing it through the Senate, President Biden will sign it into law. The stakes for such bold action are clear as day: In recent decisions involving challenges to Mississippi’s and Texas’ extremist abortion bans, the U.S. Supreme Court’s majority of conservative justices has indicated its ready to greenlight the trampling of Roe v. Wade. Without action from Congress, a woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions could disappear in more and more states across the country.

Thankfully, there are 48 Democratic co-sponsors of this legislation – but we aren't in the clear yet. I am asking every last member of this team – including you, Friend – to make it unequivocally clear to the U.S. Senate that the American people want this legislation passed. That the American people want the extremist attacks on Roe v. Wade’s well-established legal precedent to stop. That the American people want a country where women’s healthcare is not regulated by the twisted ideology of a political party.

So please, before this vote on the Senate floor, sign on to one of the most important petitions I’ve ever sent you: Tell the U.S. Senate to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act into law and safeguard the American right to healthcare services in all situations.

Thank you for all you’ve done to get us to this point. We are so close to protecting women’s healthcare, regardless of how this conservative U.S. Supreme Court rules. Let’s make sure every last Senator knows where this team and the majority of Americans stand.

With so much gratitude,


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