Dear Democrat:
If we have learned anything from the Presidential elections in 2016 and 2020, it’s this: they matter. They matter a lot.
Think of the biggest challenges we face today. None would weigh as heavily on our hearts and minds had enough people voted to make Hillary Clinton President:
- A Supreme Court with a heavy conservative lean, including one justice installed as a result of a “stolen seat” from President Obama.
- A woefully inadequate response to a once-in-a-century pandemic which resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands American lives
- A systematic, state-by-state reduction of voting rights, including right here in Florida, and the embrace of Trump’s “Big Lie”
These challenges are overwhelming, and it might seem easier to succumb to them. But remember this: big changes are spurred by small actions.
We need your help.
Join the Heart & Soul Club >>>>>>>>>>>>> CLICK HERE TO CHIP IN TODAY!

Past elections have shown that Broward County has the power to turn Florida blue. In January, we increased voter turnout by 4+% to deliver a victory to Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick so she could continue the work of our beloved Alcee Hastings.
This year, our sights are set on increasing voter turnout to 80%, having a 100 neighborhood teams and training over 1,000 volunteers. Our goal is simple: register as many Democrats living in our county as possible and convince NPA's to become Democrats. When our citizens are registered Democrats, they have a greater voice in their own government.
For just $22.00 a month, you can be part of the Democratic Party’s efforts to restore democracy.
PS: Also, if you know someone who thinks they are part of the Heart and Soul of the Broward Democratic Party and/or would like to join, DONATE HERE please forward them this request.

We are grateful for your support. It all starts here in Broward County.
Ken Evans
Broward County Democratic State Committeeman
Co-Chair Clubs, Organizations and Caucuses