I’m up against corporate-backed opponents who have already dumped $2.5 million in dark money to defeat me.


We are officially less than 24 hours from the primary election in Texas.

This is our final chance to reach voters with our GOTV efforts. So I have to ask you, John:

Is there ANYTHING that I can say to convince you to contribute today so that we can maximize voter turnout of Texas Democrats on Tuesday?

What if I told you that there is hope? Hope to build a government with service-oriented leaders who will always put people first — not corporate special interests. Hope to build a government that represents the underserved voices who have been left behind — not the status quo elites who have been calling the shots for far too long.

This idea of hope is why I’m so proud to be in alliance with Serve America — so that we can work together to transform our government, by electing leaders who know what it means to serve our communities above all else. Rush a split contribution -- with Serve America -- now to join us in the fight >>

When I entered this race, I knew it was going to be a tough fight. I’m a low-income, working-class, Black woman from South Dallas. Unlike my opponents, I don’t have an impressive rolodex with mega-donors and career politicians to fuel my campaign. Plus, I’m the only candidate in this race who is rejecting all corporate PAC donations.

Despite all the cards being stacked against me, we have built a viable campaign from the ground up with a formidable grassroots coalition of everyday people, and we’ve raised $280,000 completely in small dollar donations — without a dime of corporate money.

But I’m up against the machine and corporate-backed opponents who have already dumped $2.5 million in dark money to defeat me. That’s why this final GOTV push is so critical to reaching key undecided voters across the district before Tuesday’s election.

I’m bringing a fresh perspective and working-class voice to Washington because the American people deserve better than what we’ve been getting. And, if elected, I’d be the first Black woman veteran ever to serve in Congress. But if I’m going to make it there, we need to power through these last few hours before Election Day with everything we’ve got. Can I count on you to make a donation right away?

In Solidarity,
Jessica Mason
Candidate for U.S. Congress, TX-30