The GOP just released their radical and reckless 11 point platform, which they hope to impose on every corner of the country. And it looks like they took some notes from Paul LePage’s time in office here in Maine.
In 2022, Republicans are calling to ban same-day voter registration nationwide. Paul LePage tried to ban same-day voter registration in 2011. The constitutional violations don’t stop with voting rights – the GOP is promising to take away reproductive rights as well. Paul LePage has consistently supported overturning Roe v. Wade, which would force people to seek out dangerous, backroom abortions.
The GOP platform also explicitly opposes marriage equality, which Maine voters approved in 2012, and opposes the very existence of transgender Americans. Paul LePage, always in lock step with the most radical members of the GOP, was the first Governor in the US to veto a bill banning conversion therapy, directly putting LGBTQ children in Maine at risk.
While Paul LePage and national Republicans are attacking our rights, Gov. Janet Mills and Democrats in Augusta have been working to address the actual challenges we face.
Gov. Mills has taken specific steps to deliver for working people in Maine, defend our democracy, and protect Mainers’ basic rights. She worked with Democrats in the legislature to protect our right to vote with increased voter education and ballot access. She expanded Medicaid, and ensured that reproductive health care would be covered. And Mills signed a bill to officially ban conversion therapy after LePage vetoed it. Mills and Democrats in Augusta then passed legislation to make it easier to get gender affirming administrative changes in the state of Maine.
Paul LePage and the Republican Party are engaging in these culture wars because they do not want to fix the problems we are facing as a country.
We cannot let them get away with it. We as Democrats will face our country’s challenges head on and deliver so every Mainer and American has an equal opportunity to succeed.
Thank you,
Maine Dems
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Maine Democratic Party
PO Box 5258
Augusta, ME 04330
United States