It's America's dirtiest sector. But it doesn't have to be. Here's how we get to zero...
It's America's dirtiest sector. But it doesn't have to be. Here's how we get to zero...
Let's get to zero pollution.
American innovation put a man on the moon, cured diseases, and launched the digital age.

If we apply the same spirit to the climate crisis, then there is a zero pollution world in our future — one where absolutely no more climate pollution goes into the atmosphere than can be removed.

A bill will soon be introduced in Congress that will require every sector of the American economy to get to zero pollution. Make sure your Representative supports it.

Let's dissect how this will work — using America's biggest contributor to climate change as an example: the transportation sector.

Cars, trucks, trains, planes, and shipping account for nearly one-third of America’s climate emissions. If we’re going to deal with the climate crisis, we need to start here — and execute five simple steps:

1) Strengthen clean car and clean truck standards in order to drive down climate pollution from all cars and trucks.
2) Support a nationwide build-out of electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
3) Catalyze a globally-leading domestic manufacturing base for zero-emissions medium and heavy duty trucks.
4) Expand public transit options while supporting the use of zero emissions technology within local government transit agencies and school districts.
5) Get climate allies in Congress united behind the goal of a zero pollution economy.

That last step is the most important one you can take today. Because the bill that will soon hit the House floor will require all sectors of the government — including the Department of Transportation — to create a plan to get to a zero pollution future.

This is the first step to the next — and potentially greatest — stage of American innovation. Are you in? Make sure Congress knows it.

Thank you for standing with us,

Heather Shelby
Action Network Manager

EDF Action

1875 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20009 | 800.684.3322

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