Hey John,

Have you checked out our 2019 Environmental Scorecard yet?

As voters who care about Oregon's wilderness and wildlife, our coastlines and our climate, and the health of Oregon's peopleit's important to know the score and hold your legislators accountable. That's why the Scorecard is such a valuable tool for Oregon's environmental community. 

In its pages, you can find:

Browse the Scorecard online now!

This isn't our usual Scorecard. The cover isn't a beautiful wilderness area, or a smiling family enjoying naturethis year, the cover is the downfallen faces of youth climate activists on the day that the Clean Energy Jobs bill was abandoned. Please join us in standing up for the climate during the 2020 session: make the climate pledge and sign up to show up in 2020and don't forget to share the Environmental Scorecard with your friends and family.

Thank you for going on this journey with us,

Francesca Varela
Digital Coordinator, OLCV

---- Forwarded Message ----

Dear John,

OLCV’s Environmental Scorecard is a much-anticipated tradition in Oregon’s environmental community. When session ends, Oregonians turn to our scorecard for an inside look at how their legislators voted on environmental bills. 
But, this year, something’s different. For the first time in over 40 years, 17 state senators have earned an ‘Incomplete’ score for the 2019 legislative session. Why? Because they left the Clean Energy Jobs bill as unfinished business. 
We all know the story by now: Senate Republicans fled the state to prevent a vote on the Clean Energy Jobs bill (Oregon’s groundbreaking cap-and-invest climate legislation), and Senate Democrats gave in to their demandsand the demands of corporate polluters. Climate activistsparticularly young people whose futures are at stakefilled the Capitol to protest this decision. But Oregon’s leaders let us down.
In the scorecard, you’ll see 17 senators who voted to remove Clean Energy Jobs from consideration receive incompletes since their work is not done. After the 2020 Legislative Session, senators with incompletes will get the score they deservethat they have earnedbased on what happens with Clean Energy Jobs. They have the opportunity to be climate heroes for voting yes, or earn climate zeroes for opposition or inaction.
OLCV won’t ever give up on passing meaningful climate legislation. Our workand the Legislature’s workis not done. Clean Energy Jobs will be back in 2020. To succeed, we will need bold leadership and not more of the same. And we need you!
We’re going to continue making our voices heard in 2020. Join climate activists as we pledge to show up for climate action in the next legislative session. Let your legislators know that you’re committed to taking action, and that you hope they are too. 
Passing the Clean Energy Jobs bill would help Oregon transition to a clean energy economy, creating thousands of jobs in the process. We can’t keep falling behind other states on climate action. Clean Energy Jobs will help us catch up. Join us in making 2020 Oregon’s year of climate action.
Please share the 2019 Environmental Scorecard so Oregonians from across our great state can hold their legislators accountable. We hope to see you and hear from you a lot in 2020, showing up for our clean energy future!
Doug Moore
Executive Director, OLCV 

Paid For By The Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
321 SW 4th Avenue Suite 600
Suite 600
Portland OR 97204 United States
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