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Jack --

Reminder: Green Party Members and Friends:

You are cordially invited to the next webinar for the St. Louis Black and Green Series:

The Inequities of Legalized Marijuana

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

7:00 PM Central Time

The billion-dollar marijuana market should have room for every ethnic group. But going from decriminalization to medical and recreational use has resulted in a patchwork of dangerous inconsistencies.

The weaponization of marijuana laws against communities of color leaves victims incarcerated or economically incapable of high non-refundable application fees in licensing lotteries for dispensaries, growing, transporting, and/or processing legalized marijuana.  Cannabis users are vulnerable to pesticide use by industrial growers.
What is the best science?  Have we lost expertise to incarceration? These barriers are not from the era of slavery or Jim Crow; but today.


Alonzo Waheed, Equity and Transformation Chicago
Kalambayi Andenet, President, UHURU International
Tyler Williams, co-founder Winter Haze and Chief Technical Officer for
Cannabis Safety & Quaity
Ron Burch, Missouri Green Party

Moderator, Susan Armstrong

Here’s the registration link:
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
 When: Mar 2, 2022, 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
 Register in advance for this meeting:

 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
 information about joining the meeting.



For more information or questions, call Cris at 314-495-8006 or email [email protected]

Missouri Green Party Outreach

Missouri Green Party

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