
Good afternoon and welcome to our Weekend Update.

This week, there is a lot to discuss, particularly some important news about our re-election campaign to the 9th District. I must begin by discussing the issue unfolding in Ukraine. Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine who did nothing to provoke this aggression, and innocent citizens are being slaughtered as a result. However, the resolve of the Ukrainian people is strong, and we all must stand with them. 

Click here to watch a Russian tank run over a vehicle driven by a civilian for no reason at all. Below is a picture of a dud missile next to an apartment complex.

Unfortunately, the Biden administration allowed Vladimir Putin to cross his red line without severe consequences. This weak foreign policy has emboldened Putin to act aggressively. It's time for the full force of sanctions from the U.S. and our allies. Unfortunately, Biden was late to address this situation and is only now discussing imposing sanctions we should have imposed months ago. I joined Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business to discuss the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Click here or below to watch.

Earlier in the week, I appeared alongside former DIA intelligence officer Matthew Shoemaker on the Evening Edit on Fox Business. We reacted to Putin's speech on Ukraine. Click here or below to watch.

Oil and natural gas are proving to be the carrot and the stick in this war. The U.S. must get back to being energy independent. By being energy independent today, the price of gasoline would be at least a dollar less. As well, we should be exporting natural gas to Europe. The reliance upon Russia for energy is a major cause of this invasion. It's astonishing to see, particularly in this day and age, such a lack of leadership and appeasement from the Biden administration, emboldening our enemies and bringing entropy to the world. Haven't we learned by now the importance of peace through strength? Haven't we learned by now that the actions of Neville Chamberlain and where such appeasement leads? Apparently, the Democrats have forgotten. There is no question that Putin is proving to be a maniacal tyrant. So, therefore, appeasement is not the safest but rather the riskiest action we can take.

As our nation and Europe show concern for refugees from Ukraine, who are actual refugees fleeing a barbaric invasion, it must not be forgotten that our southern border is in total disarray. We have a massive influx of illegal immigrants unchecked by the Biden administration and Democrat leadership.

This week, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court released new congressional maps as part of the reapportionment process. Like many, I am disappointed in the process and that the lines were left to be drawn by an activist far-left Supreme Court in Pennsylvania. With that being said, outside of the unfortunate loss of Carbon County, the 9th District stayed together and added a few additional counties where I, fortunately, have had strong relationships through both my time in both the private sector and public service. I am excited to run for a third term to represent the 9th District. 

Nearly 70% of the current 9th District consists of the newly drawn map. When elected, our goal was to serve as your America-First, conservative voice in Washington, put together the best constituent services in the nation, and commit to traveling the District regularly to meet with and discuss issues with the people I represent. I believe we have accomplished these goals, and I look forward to putting our record up and allowing the voters to judge our efforts. That's what this job is about, and I'm excited to see what the voters think of the job we have done thus far.

During my time in office, I am particularly proud of our relationships with our state, county, and local elected officials. Whether coordinating efforts through the pandemic or working on important projects in the District, we have worked closely to put forth the full weight and scope of the federal, state, and local governments to support the issues impacting families in the 9th District. On Friday, nearly every State House Member in the 9th District endorsed my re-election campaign. Click here to read more.

Thanks to these State Representatives for their support of our campaign.

State House:
Representative Karen Boback (Lackawanna, Luzerne and Wyoming County)
Representative Sue Helm (Dauphin and Lebanon Counties)
Representative Aaron Kaufer (Luzerne County)
Representative Joe Kerwin (Schuylkill and Dauphin County)
Representative Barry Jozwiak (Berks County)
Representative Jerry Knowles (Schuylkill and Berks Counties)
Representative Kurt Masser (Columbia, Montour, and Northumberland Counties)
Representative David Millard (Columbia County)
Representative Frank Ryan (Lebanon County)
Representative Tim Twardzik (Schuylkill County)
Former State Representative Mike Tobash (Schuylkill County)

We will have more endorsements we will release in the coming days, but of course, the most important endorsement comes from all of the constituents in the 9th District. We are thrilled and thankful for the support we have received thus far, and our campaign is organized and ready to go.

The first step of the campaign is working on getting on the ballot. If you would like to help circulate or sign a petition, please contact our campaign by emailing [email protected] or calling 570-915-3027.

Joe Biden has kept at least one of his promises... his pledge to nominate a liberal, activist judge to the Supreme Court. Ketanji Brown Jackson is a radical, left-wing activist who would rubberstamp Biden's disastrous agenda. Biden put far-left special interests ahead of defending Americans' rights and liberties by picking Jackson. The Republican National Committee will make sure voters know just how radical Jackson is and remember at the ballot box in November.

IN NEWS YOU WON'T HEAR IN THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA: In 2020, Democrats blocked President Trump's effort to fill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve when oil prices were at historic lows.

After a year of Biden undermining American energy, gas prices are near eight-year highs. Michigan's gas prices currently sit at $3.36 after seeing the highest increase in average gas prices in the country.  
The only "plan" the administration has to lower prices amid the crisis in Eastern Europe is to release oil from the strategic reserve and rely on foreign producers. Unfortunately, the Biden administration still doesn't "have anything to detail" in expanding production here at home.
When Biden tries to dodge responsibility for higher gas prices, remember this – Biden canceled energy production in America, Democrats blocked efforts to fill the reserve under Trump. Biden promised that Putin's "days of tyranny" would be "over if he were elected president. Unfortunately, that is among the promises he has not kept.

That is why the elections this November are critical. Without a strong leader like President Trump and with extreme liberals driving the agenda in the White House, the U.S. House and Senate, we need to elect leaders who will start working for the people and implement an American First agenda. That begins with winning back control of the U.S. House. I can't wait to help retire Speaker Nancy Pelosi. My goal is to put our campaign's resources towards helping elect other Republicans to Congress in Pennsylvania and other states across the nation.

Earlier this week, I attended the annual FOP legislative reception dinner to bring together all legislators to talk about their priorities and honor their retirees. Philip C. Melley Memorial Lodge #65 is the hosting lodge, and it covers members in the counties of Lebanon, Berks and Schuylkill. (Pictured below L-R, Rep. Gary Day, Rep. Frank Ryan, Rep. Joe Kerwin, Sen. Chris Gebhard, Rep. Barry Jozwiak, Sen. Judy Schwank, Rep. Mark Rossi, Rep. Tim Twardzik, Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, Rep. Jim Cox, Rep. Dave Maloney, and Sen. Dave Argall)

On Thursday, I spoke at a fundraiser in favor of Dave McCormick for the U.S. Senate. Dave is a veteran, a conservative, and I am confident he will be a great leader for all of Pennsylvania in Washington, D.C.

I was the featured speaker at the Pennsylvania Home Builder's Association Annual Gala in Berks County on Friday. We helped to celebrate their new president Catherine Sloan. (Pictured below speaking and with Kurt and Cathy Sloan)

Yesterday, we had a great day on the campaign trail. First, we stopped by the Susquehanna GOP Lincoln Day Dinner.

Later, we attended the Lycoming County GOP Dinner. (Pictured below with U.S. Senate candidate Dave McCormick and also with State Senators Gene Yaw and Jake Corman)

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you soon,


Dan Meuser

Meuser for Congress · PO Box 532, Pottsville, PA 17901, United States
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