MARCH ON is dedicated to increasing voter turnout and driving Democrats to the polls. Our data-driven solutions helped defeat Donald Trump in in 2020. Now, we're gearing up to hold the House and Senate in 2022 to advance our progressive agenda.

Dear friend,

We’re partnering with APIAVote to amplify the importance of voting rights for our AAPI communities – because no matter our race, party, or zip code, we all want an equal say in the decisions that shape our future.


Please join us on social media by using the hashtag #AAPIsForVotingRights to share or uplift impactful stories around voting – positive and negative. We must show that AAPIs have a stake in voting rights legislation.

Then on March 4th at 2PM EST, join APIAVote for a virtual community briefing including members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus to discuss voting rights, where things stand, and where things may go next.

For democracy to work for all of us, it must include us all.



Thank you for being a strong supporter of MARCH ON, Friend. Our women-led team is working 24/7 to take the energy from our first Women's March to create the most robust Democratic voter turnout operation in our nation's history.
Rush a donation now to MARCH ON to take back our democracy >>

Paid for by MARCH ON