February 27, 2022
Hello Friends,

In March 2017, SHARK flew our drone over an animal concentration facility AKA Covance Research Products facility in Cumberland, VA, see video here. Amidst the cries of the distressed, imprisoned dogs, is the deafening loud waste processing system, undoubtedly adding to the trauma the dogs are experiencing. In addition to beagles, Covance breeds and warehouses primates, guinea pigs, rabbits, and pigs.

In June 2019, SHARK again returned to Covance, now owned by Envigo, with our new hi-magnification drones and documented even more dire conditions the suffering beagles were subjected to. See video here.
Fortunately, the video went viral and caught the attention of the governor of Virginia and some legislators. In response, legislation was finally proposed to address this cruelty. While the legislation didn't pass, the issue received more attention and more legislation has been introduced to help the beagles.

In 2020, SHARK returned to Envigo to check on the status of 5,000+ tortured dogs and found the conditions even worse. See video here. After viewing our drone video of the feces-strewn, wire-fence pens overcrowded with yelping, distressed dogs, Senator Jennifer Boysko submitted a bill to outlaw such breeding facilities, which is still awaiting action.
After Envigo was cited for more animal welfare violations, see video here, Senator Bill Stanley announced that he was working to adopt out at least 400 beagles from Envigo, see video here. On Friday, February 12, 2022, 150 beagles started this process with a total of 400 beagles to be released over the next few weeks.
SHARK is glad our exposure and all of our work over the years for these beagles is finally helping them and we wish them the best in their new forever homes. However, there are still thousands of beagles and other animals remaining at this hell hole and it needs to be permanently shut down. If you live in Virginia or know anyone who does, please contact your legislators here and request that they pass the pending legislation to shut this place down for good.
There are well-established procedures to test new drugs and products that don't require torturing and killing animals. These procedures are more accurate and safer for humans. Continuing to use animals for experimentation endangers the lives of humans.
Animal research has a 92% failure rate. Just 8% of drugs that enter Phase 1 and 2 trails reach the marketplace and half of products fail in late state Phase 3 trials, Former FDA Commissioner Lester M. Crawford, The Scientist, 8/6/04.

As many of you will remember, SHARK and the Humane Farming Association (HFA) sued Monterey County, CA in 2020, for their failure to enforce the County's 2014 rooster ordinance. This ordinance was intended to curb cockfighting by requiring individuals with five or more roosters being raised for legitimate agriculture, hobby, or educational purposes to obtain a permit from the County.
Last year the County agreed to our numerous demands including hiring more animal control officers and investigating the addresses of the illegal operations we found with our drones.

One of many cockfighting locations SHARK has exposed with our drones
Now, it appears that Monterey County is in the process of permitting illegal rooster operations instead of shutting them down! On February 16th, SHARK and HFA filed a lawsuit (see lawsuit here) in Monterey County Superior Court. The lawsuit is against two Monterey County residents for specifically breeding roosters that are bred for supplying cockfighting enterprises in Salinas, California and beyond. SHARK exposed this location with our drone during our last trip to California. See video here.
We will keep you updated as this lawsuit progresses.

SHARK created the Beagle Salvation campaign to expose and rectify the plight and suffering of dogs imprisoned at massive breeding facilities, like Envigo. These dogs, no different than the ones we live with in our homes, are fated to be used for experiments - to be tortured and killed.

SHARK wants to shed light on more of these prisons and the cruelty committed within them. We want to create enough public pressure to force changes to not only how these dogs are treated, but to replace dogs with valid, non-animal means of testing which are much more reliable and safer for humans.
SHARK needs funding to continue our work on this campaign and to cover our travel expenses. You can help educate the public on what is happening to these dogs and encourage them to get involved to stop it. Please click here to order a t-shirt.
Please click here to donate.
• The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of your purchase to SHARK. It's free and easy and another way for you to help us help animals! Select Showing Animals Respect and Kindness and then when you purchase items on Amazon, log in at http://smile.amazon.com.
• You can also donate to us through the PayPal Giving Fund
• Purchase SHARK shirts, cups, bags and more at our Cafe Press store.
Kindest Regards,
Steve Hindi and Your SHARK Team