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Survival Sunday: February 27, 2022

Happy weekend, friends!

Survival Sunday is a round-up of the week’s news and resources for folks who are interested in being prepared. This curated collection of information is only available to email and Patreon subscribers.

Have a great week ahead!


It's been a heck of a week, hasn't it? We'll get to all the reasons why in a few moments. But to make a long story short, anyone following the news is probably under more stress than normal.

When I'm under stress I like to focus on the normal. I finally made the time to set up a little office for myself. It has a spectacular view...of the parking lot. But it's south-facing, and it's bright and sunny, and sitting there makes me feel inspired. It's my dad's old desk and typewriter which makes me feel connected to him. And that's a nice feeling in this crazy world.

Speaking of crazy...the North Carolina weather.  One day we have freezing rain, the next we have high winds that knocked over my plant stand, and the one after that, it's warm and sunny. Thor enjoys laying out on the patio on those sunny days and watching the world go by. He's not very barky so I just keep the door open to keep one ear open.

I've been invited to do a special interview relating to inflation, supply chain issues, and how prepping has to change to survive what's coming - that interview is ONLY available if you register with End Game using this link below.


There will also be a FREE docuseries with experts in the field of prepping, survival, economics, education, and mindset, all sharing their best advice. Don't miss it!

There's only one word for this week and that word is "shit show." Sorry if that offends anyone but I can think of more term that sums it up better.

The invasion of Ukraine has been brutal and merciless, and as I write this, the battle for Kviv rages. Putin has promised terrible "consequences you have never seen" against anyone who intervenes. Biden put some financial sanctions on Russia and wants to wait a month or so to see if they're working. In a deja vu moment, Biden also told Americans in Ukraine that they were "on their own" and the government would not be evacuating them. The EU froze Putin's European assets, and Germany is sending in weapons from its own troops to help Ukraine.

The Ukrainian people have fought bravely. Even though they are outnumbered, outmatched with equipment, and in a difficult position, every citizen who is able is taking up arms to defend his or her country and it's an amazing thing to see.

Here are some other things you may find interesting:

As you may know,  The Organic Prepper website has been defunded for being a "disinformation website."

We refuse to put up a paywall and are committed to keeping our information free and available to everyone.

We humbly ask you to help us to keep bringing you the information you come here for by helping to sponsor this website. Every amount helps. We have options for one-time donations and monthly sponsorships.

What I'm Doing to Prep This Week
This week as it looks like spring is drawing near, I'm starting to plan my patio garden for this summer. My patio this year is south-facing and I'll be able to get plants out there early. I'll be ordering all my seeds from Jason over at Seeds for Generations. He has his "Garden Planning Sale" going on this weekend so be sure and JUMP on that. I expect seeds to be a hot commodity this year and strongly recommend buying more than you expect to need.

I have received lots of messages and emails this week about the situation in Russia and Ukraine. It's a horrible situation that has a lot of people very stressed out and wondering what to do. Aden wrote a very thorough article on what we could possibly expect, which you can find below.

My personal recommendations are as follows:

  • Withdraw some cash from the bank
  • Make a communications plan that doesn't rely on cell phones and the internet.
  • Pick up any last-minute items you can think of.
  • Focus on your small circle.

There's absolutely nothing you or I can do about the situation in Ukraine, and obsessively watching the news for new horrors is not good for your state of mind or level of preparedness.

Remember to focus on the things you CAN do something about - your garden, your family, your stockpile, and your skills. And make a resolution to check the news only twice a day. I'm serious - otherwise you'll make yourself crazy for absolutely no reason, because you are accomplishing nothing by ruminating on this issue.

Most of all, seek peace. Whether that's spending time outdoors, religious pursuits, spending time with loved ones, or something else, take peaceful moments while you can get them. Nobody knows what comes next.

This Week's Articles
In case you missed them...

The Organic Prepper

The Frugalite
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