Team: wanted to make sure you saw Jon’s email from yesterday. Our mid-month deadline is tonight at midnight and we’re still behind where we need to be.

Jon’s not like most Washington politicians. He relies on grassroots donors to fuel his campaign -- not wealthy special interests with big checks. So we literally have to ask:

Can you make a grassroots donation now to help put us back on track before the midnight deadline?


Hey team,

In a minute, I’m going to ask you to pitch in whatever you can to help us reach our mid-month goal tomorrow, but first, let me explain why I even have to ask.

November can be a tough month for fundraising. The holidays are coming up and people are busy spending time with their friends and family (as they should be!) but that means our numbers are taking a pretty significant dip.

Just look at these stats my team sent me yesterday:

  • Our total raised for November is 80% less than our total raised last month
  • The total number of grassroots donors has decreased by 83%
  • The money we raised from emails just like this is nearly one third of what it usually is

These are our real fundraising numbers, team. And tomorrow is our last chance to bump them up before we cross the mid-month mark.

Will you donate anything you can to help us reach our mid-month goal tomorrow? Every dollar you give keeps me focused on doing my job in the Senate and helping elect Democrats across the country so we can finally take back the majority next year.


Thanks for being part of the team. I know that if enough of us step up, we can get back on track for the month.
