Fighting California’s discriminatory woman quota law

On Wednesday, PLF filed a federal lawsuit challenging California’s first-in-the-nation requirement that publicly traded companies have a certain number of women on their boards of directors. Companies failing to comply face fines of $100,000 for the first offense and $300,000 for any subsequent offense—for each spot not held by a female.

This quota violates the Constitution’s Equal Protection guarantee. People should be treated as individuals, not simply members of a group they did not choose. The government has no interest in dictating gender percentages in the workforce. Nor are such quotas even necessary in the first place.

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Stossel TV: Government bans ambulance competition

Want to start a business? Imagine having to get your competitors’ permission first. 

This is exactly what happened to Phillip Truesdell and his daughter Hannah Howe. A “Certificate of Need” law prevents them from expanding their Ohio-based ambulance service to nearby Kentucky. 

In a Stossel TV feature video, John Stossel points out that such laws exist in 35 states, and highlights PLF’s mission to restore economic liberty—and the American Dream—for entrepreneurs like Phillip and Hannah.

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The Hill: Tech industry’s massive pledge to affordable housing distracts from the real problem

Last week, Apple joined other big tech companies in tossing loads of cash at California’s housing crisis. They outdid Facebook and Google with a whopping pledge of $2.5 billion. 

Charity no doubt will help some caught in the crisis, but Ethan Blevins cautions that we can’t lose sight of the real problem: the crushing weight of overregulation and a tight phalanx of political opposition to new housing.

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