Are you tired of conservative organizations telling you about America's problems but not taking the battle to the enemy camp?
Are you frustrated that the ever more radicalized American left seems to win victory after victory while no one seems to have a coherent plan to fight back?
If so, you're not alone.
Like me, you are seeing that far too many conservatives are weak-willed in their fight against the left.
They call us racists. Many on our side respond by calling them "liberals."
We will never win on these terms.
They are not "liberals" who simply have different ideas on solving our country's problems. "Liberal" is the left's propaganda term for itself.
We must face the fact that they are radicals determined to destroy the very founding ideas of America! They despise freedom.
Identity politics has consumed our country. It is often politely referred to as "political correctness." But we conservatives should call it "cultural Marxism" - because that's what it is.
The question is, how many who call themselves patriots are willing to fight - to really fight - for the America we love?
I am reaching out to a handful of individuals today - people like you - who I think will be willing to make that commitment.
Whose love of country exceeds the natural desire of so many to simply shout at their televisions and leave the hard work to others.
My name is David Horowitz and I am the CEO and Founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
If you're frustrated that many conservative groups seem to lack the will and vision to confront the crisis before us, you need to know we are a different kind of organization.
Our goal is not to "put up a good fight," but to win. Win a decisive and lasting victory for the future of our country and our precious freedom.
We are not a think tank, we are a battle tank.
For 33 years, since our founding in 1988, the Center has been warning that the political left has declared war on America and its constitutional system.
That they are willing to repeal the Constitution and Bill of Rights and collaborate with America's enemies abroad and criminals at home to bring America down.
How did I come to have such insight into the left's ultimate agenda?
Because I was once one of them.
My schoolteacher parents were committed communists, devoted to working for ultimate victory of the Soviet Union. From kindergarten through college, I was under the influence of devoted communist teachers.
I helped found the radical student movement at Berkeley in the early 1960's. I helped organize one of the first protests of the Vietnam war. I was a committed Marxist who believed in revolution.
I eagerly worked with radical organizations such as the Black Panthers and Students for a Democratic Society.
But then I began to see the light.
I realized you couldn't really remake the world as the left intended without totalitarian coercion. And that socialism didn't have the answers to humanity's problems.
I came to realize that violence and mayhem weren't things that just happened to the radical left, they were an integral strategy of the radical left. Just as they are today.
For nearly a decade I kept my doubts to myself. But I increasingly came to realize the far left I had so embraced in my youth was actually a danger to American society.
I understood there was something inherent in the socialist idea that led to the horrors committed in socialism's name. I could no longer keep quiet.
My awakening continued, and by the 1980's I had become a stalwart supporter of Ronald Reagan and his vision of a renewed America built on a foundation of liberty and opportunity.
As a newly committed conservative I knew the special role I must play. I must warn others about the true motives of the radical left I had once been part of and the ruthlessness of their quest for power.
To them nothing - not lies, not violence, not extortion, not even murder - is off the table if it serves the revolution.
For almost as long as my Freedom Center has been in existence, we have been a voice crying in the wilderness. Few others have been willing to recognize the threat from the enemy within.
Today, the rage and hate that drive the American left, which had become so clear to me, is now clear for everyone to see.
They control much of our government, including the White House, our universities, nearly all the media, Hollywood, many of our largest corporations, and most of our culture.
The left has never been stronger or closer to ultimate victory.
And now we have gone through a questionable election, seen a president of the United States illegally impeached - twice - and silenced. The First Amendment is hanging by a thread. Our national heritage is under attack. Crime is exploding in our cities.
And if the left gets its way - rigging future elections, packing the Supreme Court, making D.C. a state, and turning our schools into indoctrination factories - America is on the brink of becoming a one-party dictatorship.
You don't need me to tell you the battle for survival of everything we hold dear is happening right now.
The American left today - including the socialists like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that now dominate the Democratic Party, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the radicalized teachers indoctrinating our children with critical race theory, the legion of hard-core leftist activists posing as "journalists," the Hollywood left, and all the rest ... they all smell ultimate victory.
And why not? One of America's political parties, which now controls the White House and has narrow margins in Congress, has fully embraced a world view that is anti-constitutional, anti-American, racist, and increasingly totalitarian - even including which pronouns we are allowed to use.
Nearly the entire Bill of Rights is under threat. Especially the 1st and 2nd Amendments. We are at risk of losing the independence of our judiciary.
Americans are literally losing their jobs because they are conservative - or in many cases simply not leftwing enough.
One of our highest priorities is "know your enemy."
Today many radical leftist organizations pretend through innocent-sounding names and high-minded agendas to be in the mainstream of American politics. They are not.
The gullible media and gullible politicians are fooled, but conservatives should not be.
Which is why we created a unique resource called Discover the Networks.
This research tool is a comprehensive encyclopedia of the left.
Why is this important?
Because the political upheaval in our country today, our media's constant push to the left, our companies, our campuses, our military, our popular culture, and even our churches, is not happening by accident.
There is a plan behind every move the left makes. There is an agenda and timetable. There is abundant funding. The leadership comes not from one leftist group, but from the carefully coordinated efforts of networks of the left.
Because of the existence of our Discover the Networks resource, any American can easily discover who exactly is behind the effort to introduce critical race theory in their local schools, and who is funding the attempt to force their home church to take a position on climate alarmism.
We are providing profiles of leftist organizations and individuals, and providing explanations of their over-arching sinister agendas, which are often concealed behind universally appealing values such as peace and justice.
For example:
*** "ANTIFA" (which leftwing politicians like Joe Biden call "imaginary") is in fact a revolutionary Marxist/anarchist militia movement that seeks to bring down the United States by means of violence and intimidation.
Antifa militants denounce not only the capitalist economic system, but the institution of government itself. And they explicitly advocate and encourage the use of violence to undermine and destroy both.
*** Black Lives Matter isn't about saving black lives. Founded by Marxist revolutionaries in 2013, BLM is a movement that depicts the United States as a nation awash in racism, sexism, and homophobia.
Demonstrators at BLM events smear white police as trigger-happy bigots who are intent upon killing innocent, unarmed black males. Their demonstrators throw rocks at police and threaten to kill them; and openly celebrate in the streets when a police officer is killed.
*** The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) describes itself as an organization dedicated to "tracking and exposing" the activities of "hate groups."
But many of the organizations targeted by SPLC are not "hate" groups in any legitimate sense of the word. Rather, they are thoughtful, articulate conveyors of conservative values and principles that SPLC despises.
Their inclusion in SPLC's list of "hate groups" constitutes an egregious libel that is based on nothing more than SPLC's intolerance for ideas.
This is the kind of information that Americans will certainly not get from the media.
If you have been seeing the increasing number of videos of fed-up citizens challenging the left at school board meetings, at town halls, and other events, chances are these citizens are empowering themselves with the facts from Discover the Networks.
Users can also discover chapter and verse how the campaigns of the left, under the banner of "social justice," "equality," and "compassion," have inflicted catastrophe in many forms - poverty, moral decline, criminality, violence, illness, and death - upon countless millions of people.
They will discover how "Whiteness Studies" have become so prevalent in our colleges and universities. With the goal of immersing white students in feelings of collective guilt and their "white privilege." And to persuade them that the profound racism of American society is impossible to remove.
Our research tool is designed to debunk the left's deceit.
Our users learn how the programs and policies that led to these disastrous outcomes are promoted by the left without fail - often presenting itself more appealingly as "liberalism" - as expressions of a high-minded idealism that promised to improve the living conditions of people in need.
For example, you can see that the rise of the welfare state in the 1960s contributed greatly to the demise of the black family as a stable institution. The out-of-wedlock birth rate among African Americans today is 73%, three times higher than it was prior to the "War on Poverty."
This is just a tiny sample of the information Discover the Networks is providing. Close to thirty million readers and researchers have visited our one-of-a-kind encyclopedia about the left since it began.
Our encyclopedia has been a much-used source for Fox News Channel producers and has been a major influence in toughening the stance of many high-profile conservatives in the media and elsewhere in our struggle with the newly ascendant left.
Our entire Discover the Networks database is accessible to the general public online.
Our network of websites is accessed over five million times each month.
Researching, cataloging, constantly updating and expanding this unique resource is an enormous expense to us.
As the threat of the radical left increases, so must our efforts. Our goal is to document their every move and keep our Discover the Networks database readily accessible as a vital resource for those of our citizens brave enough to take on the left.
We cannot win the ultimate battle for the future of our country without knowing our enemy. There is no stronger tool in the conservative arsenal for achieving this than our Discover the Networks.
Making sure we can keep this invaluable, irreplaceable resource going stronger than ever at this perilous time is a major reason I call on you to partner with the David Horowitz Freedom Center today.
In addition to Discover the Networks, the Center also publishes Frontpage Magazine, one of our movement's leading resources for investigative journalism routinely censored by the leftwing media.
One example of our work is our blockbuster expose revealing how Joe Biden shut down Donald Trump's efforts to trace the COVID outbreak to a Chinese lab.
We have other active efforts fighting leftist indoctrination (including a rising tide of anti-Semitism) on our college campuses and in our K-12 schools. All of which deserve and need our most generous support.
I hope in this overly long email I have convinced you of the vital work we are doing at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
We are achieving things other conservative groups cannot because we recognize the fight we're in now for what it is: A life-or-death struggle for the future of American freedom.
I hope I can persuade you to make an investment in our unique work. Our funding comes entirely from patriots just like you. I ask you to consider a tax-deductible gift today.
Your donation shows your commitment to stand with us in the fight to defend the Constitution, American exceptionalism, liberty, and individual responsibility.
Your giving will help make it possible for us to lead the fight against the left through our one-of-a-kind online encyclopedia of today's left, through the fearless investigative journalism of our Frontpage Magazine, through our college and school efforts to combat left wing indoctrination, and so much more.
I salute the work many other conservatives are doing.
But I fear too many are operating under the mistaken assumption that our adversaries are simply people, however radical, who disagree about policies but remain patriotic Americans committed to its constitutional framework.
They are wrong. No one knows better than I do that the left we face today is a force that has been gathering strength for over five decades. Gathering strength for the epic battle we're in today.
Our foe is a ruthless and cynical force seeking to destroy the America we know in order to remake the world and everyone in it.
Without this understanding, I believe it is impossible to win the ultimate battle for freedom.
This is why your partnership with us through your generous giving is so urgent.
With Gratitude, David Horowitz Founder and CEO
P.S. At the David Horowitz Freedom Center, we are fighting a war that many still don't recognize. With an ever more militant and ruthless enemy that will literally stop at nothing to destroy our society.
No one knows the true nature of the threat better than I do, because I was once part of it. Today, I dedicate my life to defending the very things I once despised, but now cherish.
The courage it takes to continue this vital personal mission to defend the country we love comes from knowing people like you share my beliefs, my passion, and my determination to do whatever is necessary to defeat the radical left.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
© David Horowitz Freedom Center | |
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