Kelly for Alaska    |

2022 is the year for Alaska to get rid of traitor Lisa Murkowski and send a TRUE conservative to the United States Senate.
But D.C. establishment RINOs are so power-hungry, they’re trying to buy their way to victory, just look at this headline…
We only have 3 days left to make up that gap and ensure my campaign can keep up with her -- but as it stands, we’re still behind on our End-of-Month fundraising goal. 
Donate $250
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I knew taking on the Swamp would be tough – it’s a good thing that I don’t give up easily.

But the reality is, if we come up short of this goal, we’re going to lose the momentum we've gained. We simply can’t afford to let that happen.

Friend, I’m not running for Congress to gain power or start a career. I’m running to defend YOUR rights and protect the country that I love.

But I know that I cannot win this fight on my own. With just days to go until this critical deadline, I’m asking for your support.

Please make a donation of any amount you can before the February 28th deadline to stop the Swamp from buying this election.

Thank you,
Kelly for Alaska Headshot
Kelly Tshibaka
Candidate for United States Senate
Join the Fight
