From Yang2020 HQ <[email protected]>
Subject The next debate --
Date November 15, 2019 2:40 PM
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[ Andrew ]Andrew Yang for President

Yang Gang --

We're less than one week away from the Democratic debate in Atlanta. And
the growth we're experiencing is unlike any other candidate that will be
on that stage.

[ [link removed] ]From this point forward, we have to stay on the upswing -- we must grow
to new heights every day. And we can get there with your help. Pitch in
now to keep up our momentum:

[ [link removed] ]Pitch In

In the coming week -- and the weeks leading up to Iowa -- we have to kick
this campaign into high gear and give it everything we’ve got. It’s up to
us to level the playing field and show that we’re serious about making
Andrew the Democratic nominee.

You make us a contender in this race, Yang Gang. You embody our
Humanity First values every day and support us at every turn. And you
allow us to set the bar high.

Let’s keep rising and put everything we’ve got into making our campaign
the one to beat. Chip in anything you can:

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation
will go through immediately:

[ [link removed] ]$10 »   [ [link removed] ]$25 »

[ [link removed] ]$50 »   [ [link removed] ]$100»

[ [link removed] ]$250 »   [ [link removed] ]OTHER »

Let’s keep it up,

Yang2020 HQ

We don't have corporate PACs or big donors who can
close the fundraising gap we face, just grassroots
donors like you powering this campaign. Please give

[ [link removed] ]Contribute

Paid for by Friends of Andrew Yang

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