This plan STINKS!

"A game plan for activist government at its cruelest and most mindless." That's what Esquire calls the Republican "11 Point Plan to Rescue America" put out this week by Sen. Rick Scott, the head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

At the height of the pandemic in 2021, Democrats passed their own American Rescue Plan. Comparing the two makes it clear: If Republicans win this November, their unpopular policies will devastate everyday Americans. The main people rescued will be billionaires and big corporations.

Donate to bold progressive U.S. Senate candidates who can flip winnable red seats in Wisconsin, Ohio, Missouri, and Kentucky so we can protect and expand our Democratic Senate majority -- and end Joe Manchin's veto so Dems can do even more!

Compare the Republican plan to what Democrats passed at the height of the pandemic:

Republican plan to "rescue" America

  • Cuts to Medicare.
  • Cuts to Medicaid.
  • Raise taxes on millions of lower-income Americans.
  • Raise taxes on retired people.
  • Even more tax breaks for the ultra-rich.
  • End Social Security for most seniors

Democratic American Rescue Plan

  • Extended unemployment benefits for workers displaced by the pandemic.
  • Expanded Child Tax Credit & Earned Income Tax Credit.
  • Aid to protect millions of small business jobs.
  • Premium assistance for health insurance plans.
  • Aid for farmers.
  • Eviction and foreclosure moratoriums.
  • Subsidies for Covid-19 testing and vaccination.
  • Money for schools to safely reopen.
  • $1,400 checks.

MSNBC's Kyle Griffin says of the Republican plan for income taxes: "That means raising taxes on 100+ million Americans."

Media Matters' says of the Republican plan for Social Security: "The plain reading of 'No government assistance unless you are disabled or aggressively seeking work" is the termination of Social Security.'"

Protect and expand our Democratic Senate majority. Donate to bold progressive U.S. Senate candidates who can flip winnable red Senate seats in Wisconsin, Ohio, Missouri, and Kentucky.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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