Like so many others, our thoughts today are with the people of Ukraine | Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser [link removed]
Like so many others, our thoughts today are with the people of Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin’s war of aggression represents perhaps the biggest threat to global security since the end of the Cold War. And autocrats like him have been emboldened by the craven political opportunism that continues to erode democracy here and around the globe. Selfish and shortsighted partisans play into the hands of those who want to see our experiment in self-government fail.
Servant leadership takes a long view of history. It recognizes that our actions have implications beyond our borders and far beyond the here and now. Now is the time for that kind of sober, thoughtful leadership. Our nation’s founding principles of liberty, justice, and the universal right to self-government have served as a beacon for the rest of the world for two and a half centuries.
Our work here at New Politics is guided by a commitment to electing leaders with the courage to set aside their self-interest to ensure we're able to remain in that role. We stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian diaspora—here in America and with the millions more around the globe—who are watching helplessly as their sovereign homeland endures this heinous and unprovoked invasion.
As scenes of airstrikes, rocket fires, and civilian casualties loop around the clock on cable news, many might find themselves reliving trauma from their own service. To all those that served or love someone who’s served, there is an entire community holding you in their thoughts and supporting you. You are not alone.
In service,
In service,
Emily Cherniack
Founder & Executive Director
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