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Dear Friend,

After living in the United States for just over a year, last weekend I went out to Walmart and bought an American flag. I then found the most prominent place I could find to fly it in my front yard – or garden, as we Brits say.
I might not be American, but I have come to believe it is profoundly important that we celebrate the symbols of American exceptionalism. 

Before coming to America, I had lived in half a dozen countries on two different continents, besides Britain. But it would never have occurred to me, as an outsider, to fly their national flags. Here it feels like the obvious thing to do.
I put an American flag up partly because I so enjoy living here. This is a truly wonderful place to live.
But it’s also because, having lived outside the United States, I really do appreciate that America is a moral force for good in the world.
The flag I put up in my yard/garden is not just a collection of colors on a piece of cloth.  It stands as a symbol of the freedom and liberty that has elevated the condition of all of humankind. Were it not for the United States, much of the world would look the way Ukraine did this week, every week. 
Here at the Mississippi Center for Public Policy, we aim to help keep America exceptional. That is why we advocate for low taxes, light regulation, and limited government. 
The genius of America lies not so much in the design of the flag – attractive though it might be – but rather in the Constitution that was designed in that old courthouse in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787. That is what injected freedom into the DNA of the Republic – and made this country the remarkable achievement it has become.
I might not be American, but I want to do all I can to ensure young Americans understand and appreciate what makes their country so special. Perhaps one of the reasons too many young Americans obsess about identity politics is because they don’t properly appreciate their national identity.

On Tuesday, March 1st, I am delighted that Lord Daniel Hannan will be here in Jackson talking about these themes. We still have a handful of tickets left if you book right away.

If you run a Rotary Club, student group, or other such organization and need a speaker to discuss the importance of free markets and liberty, do please get in touch with me here.

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO
SuperTalk MS: An Update on the Legislative Session from MCPP
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