Just six states. That’s right, just SIX!
That’s the tiny number of states that stand between you and me and the calling of a disastrous Article V Constitutional Convention -- an event unprecedented in U.S. history that could mean major constitutional chaos.
We have no choice but to immediately step up our grassroots response to defeat this effort. And that’s why I’m rushing this alert to you and every member of Common Cause.
Many constitutional experts believe this is the biggest present threat to our democracy -- and it’s happening right now, behind closed doors and out of the public eye. This time, the threat isn't coming from the White House. Rather, wealthy special interest groups like the Koch-funded American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) are spending big money to lobby state lawmakers, demanding they vote to ratify the calling of an Article V Convention to radically reshape the U.S. Constitution. [1]
If allowed to succeed, unelected, unaccountable delegates will be granted the power to write their far right-wing agenda into our Constitution.
That could mean shredding First Amendment protections. Gutting environmental regulations. Rolling back civil rights advances. And cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and other safety-net programs.
MOST FRIGHTENING OF ALL... if just six more states sign on, the Kochs, the Mercers, and their extremist allies will reach the two-thirds supermajority required to convene the convention they need to tear apart our U.S. Constitution.
That’s why I’m urging you to immediately help Common Cause in our state-by-state battle to block and rescind calls for an Article V Convention. And why I ask you to support this effort with a contribution today.
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The odds may seem stacked against us, but I want you to know that concentrated and organized grassroots action can stop this right-wing attack on our Constitution.
In fact, we’ve already proven we can fight the extremists and win. Common Cause activists have successfully rolled back calls for an Article V Convention in Delaware, New Mexico, Maryland, and Nevada.
We’ve proven over and over that our state-by-state grassroots organizing works -- and that as long as we keep fighting, we’ll keep winning.
We must not -- and will not -- let these extremists rewrite our Constitution.
Please let me know we can count on you to stand with us in this fight.
Thanks for all you do,
Jay Riestenberg, Deputy Communications Director
and the team at Common Cause
[1] https://defendourconstitution.org