President Biden and the White House staff will be making decisions about what he'll mention in the State of the Union -- and what he won't -- right up until he addresses the nation on Tuesday.

This is a key agenda-setting moment for the coming year.

In the lead-up, we're encouraging progressives to highlight the policies and ideas you want front-and-center in the State of the Union by posting on social media #WhatBidenShouldSay at the #SOTU (using those hashtags.)

There are a few example tweets below -- but by all means post your own too with your favorite progressive ideas. Just remember to include #WhatBidenShouldSay so we can see them!

Leading up to the State of the Union address Tuesday, we'll amplify a bunch of the biggest and best ideas on our Twitter and Facebook accounts -- and share them with the White House.

Click here to share #WhatBidenShouldSay at the #SOTU on TWITTER.

Click here to share #WhatBidenShouldSay at the #SOTU on Facebook.

Here are a few examples:

Got it? Post now on Twitter and on Facebook -- and we'll amplify as many of the best and biggest ideas as we can this weekend on our Twitter and Facebook accounts -- and share them with the White House.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)

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