November 15, 2019
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The unholy 69
Matt C. Abbott
When justice isn't
Tabitha Korol

November 15, 2019
An administrative remedy
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? As previously reported, the Utah Supreme Court on September 9 rejected Callan Stone's lawsuit against a fraudulent "insurance medical examiner" without comment, meaning the court accepted the district court's groundless decision of January 23 granting the other side's motion for dismissal – a decision demonstrably based in factual and legal error. (The district judge even admitted in his questionable order, "I may be wrong.")... (more)

November 14, 2019
BRYAN FISCHER ? What most observers, especially those in the Talking Snake Media, are overlooking in this whole impeachment farce is that Ukraine is riddled with endemic corruption and has been for decades. Thus when Trump asked President Zelensky to look into corruption in Ukraine on the July 25 phone call, he wasn't looking to dig up dirt on Joe Biden. He was just doing his job.... (more)

November 14, 2019
Unexpected, and quite noticeable, appearance at Wednesday's impeachment hearings
NBC NEWS ? Spotted towering over the gray and blue suits packed into the first day of President Donald Trump's impeachment hearing was an enormous blond wig -- that of Pissi Myles, a drag performer from Asbury Park, New Jersey.... (more)

November 14, 2019
MSNBC ? Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) joins Meet the Press Daily to discuss the first public Trump impeachment hearing.... (more)

November 14, 2019
'And you're their star witness???'
FACEBOOK ? C-SPAN coverage of House Intelligence Committee's public impeachment hearing on Wednesday... (more)

November 14, 2019
CNN ? Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) criticized the House impeachment investigation against President Donald Trump during the first hearing of public testimony.... (more)

November 14, 2019
Schiff impeachment inquiry told of stunning standard for proof
WORLDNETDAILY ? A Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee delivered a stunning lesson to other members of the committee during the first public impeachment-investigation hearing on Wednesday. It concerned the standard for evidence or testimony.... (more)

November 14, 2019
FOX NEWS ? After House Democrats kicked off their impeachment hearings against President Trump on Wednesday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., claimed he has no knowledge of the Ukraine whistleblower's identity, despite reports of his staff meeting with the person in secret.... (more)

November 13, 2019
Diplomat unaware of evidence for Ukraine meddling in 2016 election
WORLDNETDAILY ? At the opening public hearing Wednesday in the House Democrats' impeachment investigation of President Trump, Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., challenged the testimony of Democratic star witness Ambassador William Taylor, pointing out the diplomat acknowledged in his deposition that he had no knowledge of the considerable evidence supporting Trump's concern about Ukraine's connection to interference in the 2016 election and alleged corruption concerning Hunter Biden and former Vice President Joe Biden.... (more)

November 13, 2019
Dead silence when witnesses asked to 'identify the impeachable offense'
WORLDNETDAILY ? Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh had a pointed question for House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., after an impeachment inquiry hearing Wednesday led by Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., that lasted nearly six hours. "Pelosi, are you getting close to making a decision on shutting this down?" Limbaugh asked.... (more)

November 13, 2019
MICHAEL GOODWIN ? The dictionary defines a conjurer as someone who "practices magic arts" and "performs feats of sleight of hand and illusion." Someone like Adam Schiff. The California Democrat takes his magic act public Wednesday as the impeachment hearings burst out of a Capitol Hill dungeon and onto television. Donald Trump's presidency and the 2020 election likely hang on whether Schiff's sleight of hand can survive the bright lights of public exposure and cross-examination.... (more)

November 13, 2019
BETSY MCCAUGHEY ? On Wednesday, the curtain rises on the House's impeachment show, featuring State Department career diplomats William Taylor Jr. and George Kent as the first witnesses. Mainstream media claim Taylor and Kent have "damning evidence" that President Trump delayed military aid to the Kiev government in a quid pro quo to pressure the Ukrainian president to dig up dirt on the Bidens.... (more)

November 13, 2019
NEWSMAX ? Former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova is blasting the whistleblower that kicked off the impeachment inquiry and comparing him to Abraham Lincoln's assassin. His comments came during a Monday interview on the Washington, D.C.-based radio show "Mornings on the Mall."... (more)

November 13, 2019
'The Bible tells us, 'The Lord detests lying lips"
WORLDNETDAILY ? As Democrats move their impeachment investigation into open hearings, veteran journalist Bill Moyers says he fears for the nation's survival, because a "democracy can die because of too many lies."... (more)

November 12, 2019
BYRON YORK ? House Democrats conducted their impeachment interviews in secret, but Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman still emerged as star of the show. Appearing at his Oct. 29 deposition in full dress uniform, the decorated Army officer, now a White House National Security Council Ukraine expert, was the first witness who had actually listened to the phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that is at the heart of the Democratic impeachment campaign.... (more)

November 11, 2019
CLIFF KINCAID ? Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, was given a prestigious seat on the Congressional Host Committee for the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation "Triumph of Liberty" dinner last Friday in Washington, D.C. This makes Schiff look like a tough anti-communist as he proceeds with the impeachment of President Trump this week.... (more)

November 11, 2019
BRYAN FISCHER ? The Democrats' case for impeachment against Trump was pretty thin gruel from the start. And it's only gotten thinner with the release of the full transcripts of the witnesses who have testified in Adam Schiff's Star Chamber. As one reads through these transcripts, it's easy to see why the Democrats held all their hearings in the basement. They've got nothing. And the longer this charade lasts, the more obvious it becomes.... (more)

November 11, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY ? In the impeachment inquiry that's shaping up to be more of an anti-Donald Trump chess game, it appears as though Republicans are homing in on the coveted "checkmate." Rep. Devin Nunes, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, has sent a letter to committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff requesting that nine different witnesses testify "in an open setting."... (more)

November 11, 2019
'This thing's going to stink to high heaven'
THE BLAZE ? Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, predicted Sunday that the whistleblower who filed the complaint against President Donald Trump that triggered the impeachment inquiry is from the "deep state" and connected to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).... (more)

November 11, 2019
YOUTUBE ? CBS Evening News anchor Norah O'Donnell interviews Nikki Haley on the impeachment inquiry.... (more)

November 8, 2019
FOX NEWS ? Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley blasted former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, recalling a private conversation where they defended resisting President Trump, telling her they did so out of necessity.... (more)

November 8, 2019
Dangerous, unethical Bandy Lee at it again
WORLDNETDAILY ? Four psychiatrists and several medical professionals in various fields say they are volunteering to advise Democrats that President Trump is not qualified to be president. The team's offer was announced by Bandy Lee, a psychiatrist from Yale.... (more)

November 8, 2019
NEWSMAX ? MSNBC host Joe Scarborough has dismissed the release of the White House tell-all book "Anonymous: A Warning," declining to discuss it in detail during "Morning Joe" on Friday, Mediaite reports.... (more)

November 8, 2019
NEWSMAX ? Former White House adviser Sebastian Gorka told Newsmax TV on Friday that the whistleblower who complained about President Donald Trump's call with the president of Ukraine is a "fake" and "the deepest of deep-state operatives."... (more)

November 8, 2019
BREITBART ? Facebook is removing any mention of the potential whistleblower's name and is cracking down against Facebook publishers that mention any allegation of the potential whistleblower's name, claiming they are violating Facebook's Community Standards and Policies.... (more)

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