I was debating on whether or not to mention what’s happening in Ukraine in the Weekly Update. There isn’t much under the purview of the Taxpayers Protection Alliance with what’s happening, even though the Russian invasion is a humanitarian atrocity. I have traveled to Kyiv multiple times, the last time to help set up a free-market group there. I have also been to Yalta in the Crimean Peninsula promoting taxpayer rights and free-market principles. The landscape is breathtaking and the people that I met welcomed me with open arms. I have friends and colleagues that are there, and needless to say, I am very concerned about their safety. Ukraine has been striving to be more free market and it breaks my heart to see what is happening on many levels.
Profile in Courage: Dr. Paul Farmer
In this coronavirus-ravaged world, stories are told of healthcare heroes who go the extra mile (or ten) to make sure their patients have all the care they need. One of the biggest heroes of them all was the recently deceased Dr. Paul Farmer. Dr. Farmer worked tirelessly to ensure that patients were not denied care because they had the misfortune of being born in the wrong place and time. This dedication to international healthcare access inevitably brought Dr. Farmer in conflict with global taxpayer-funded bureaucracies such as the World Health Organization (WHO), who were not always supportive of lifesaving treatment programs. Dr. Farmer made sure that patients’ lives were prioritized over always following WHO protocols and adhering to “official” guidelines. For saving countless lives and inspiring an international revolution in healthcare access, Dr. Farmer was most certainly a Profile in Courage. From an early age, Dr. Farmer realized that not everyone is fortunate enough to have ready, reliable access to first-rate healthcare services. His family may not have had much to their name, but they were resourceful. For five years, he lived with his parents and five siblings in a tuberculosis mobile clinic converted into a mobile home. They even temporarily lived in a boat moored in a Gulf Coast bayou. In college, Dr. Farmer began his tireless efforts to help impoverished people live a life free of constant hardship. He journeyed to Haiti to work with dispossessed farmers. And, once he realized the abysmal state of healthcare in-country, Dr. Farmer opted to serve at a charity hospital there for ten years. Just four years after the start of his fateful trip to Haiti, Dr. Farmer decided that isolated acts of goodwill would not be sufficient to affect global change. In 1987, he co-founded the non-profit healthcare organization Partners In Health (PIH) to not only provide healthcare services to those in need, but also research and advocate for better treatment systems. PIH rejected the idea that non-profits should only strive to deliver basic healthcare services in developing countries such as Haiti. A fever-ridden little girl in Port-au-Prince is just as deserving of care as her bedridden cousin in Brooklyn, New York. That basic realization motivated Dr. Farmer and his colleagues to regularly haul suitcases filled with medications from the U.S. to impoverished villages. Witnessing the devastation wrought by an earthquake in Haiti in 2010, PIH built a hospital in the capital and made sure that local doctors were in the best position possible to help overwhelmed patients.
Unfortunately, not everyone consistently rallied behind Dr. Farmer’s efforts. The WHO balked at the idea of providing illiterate Haitians with HIV medication, fearing they would mess up their doses. But the good doctor believed in the people he was serving and doled out the much-needed medications along with usage charts that tracked the sun’s position in the sky. Part of this medication outreach effort also involved hiring “accompaniers” to trek through remote parts of the country and assist people in taking their regimens. Like many prominent doctors, Dr. Farmer had plenty of prestigious posts and titles. He was chair of the department of global health and social medicine at Harvard Medical School, as well as chief of the division of global health equity at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. He accumulated quite a few grants over the years, including the MacArthur Foundation award in 1993. But, he never let this institutional acclaim get to his head. Dr. Farmer was always on the frontlines making sure that no one was getting left behind in the constant battle against devastating diseases. For going the extra ten miles to treat the world, Dr. Paul Farmer was a Profile in Courage.
World Health Organization is Drunk With Power
History shows Prohibition was a disaster for the United States. After 13 years of unnecessary social upheaval, economic damage, and bloodshed, the 18th Amendment was finally repealed to the relief and delight of public and politicians. A number of states did pass laws restricting cigarettes, but they were short-lived, and the impetus was lost in the atmosphere of the roaring 20s. Fast forward a century and a similar process is happening across the world, this time more sophisticated in design and in reverse. With professional puritans believing they have won the public relations war on smoking and many countries openly discussing the “endgame” – prohibition of tobacco by a certain date – global organizations are already turning their attention toward alcohol and using the very same tactics as they did against tobacco.
In 2022, two major reports are expected to be adopted which will lead to a whole new attack on alcohol, which, just like the anti-tobacco war before it, will be promoted on the basis of health, but with the long-term aim undoubtedly being prohibition. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Alcohol Strategy is to be unveiled this summer. The new initiative commits to a target of “at least a 20% relative reduction (in comparison with 2010) in alcohol per capita (among those aged 15 years and older) consumption by 2030.” The aim is not a reduction in consumption by hazardous drinkers, instead the goal is to reduce alcohol use across the board, however moderate the drinker. “Heavy-impact policy options” that the WHO wants to see adopted by nations are high taxation of alcohol products and minimum price regulations (in Ireland this year, minimum pricing more than doubled the cost of packs of beer), bans on advertising and marketing of alcoholic drinks, and restrictions on where and when alcohol can be sold.
Meanwhile, plans by the European Union’s Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA) will be adopted following a vote this month. Based on the claim that “there is no safe level of alcohol consumption when it comes to cancer prevention,” the plan proposes restrictions on the promotion and pricing of alcohol, while also demonizing the industry in the same way that anti-tobacco lobbyists have done with tobacco companies. From there, it is only a short hop to advertising bans, health warnings and – again, as in Ireland– alcoholic drinks hidden from sight.
All of these proposals have been replicated from the war on smoking, which has thrived on the motto that “there is no safe level of tobacco use” for the past couple of decades and which aspired to the goal of “denormalizing” tobacco use. Arguably the same goal is being pursued for alcohol now. What is most concerning about this new global temperance activity is that none of it has resulted from a clamour by the public. Both the WHO and the EU are entirely funded by taxpayers and are using those tax receipts to wage war on the free choices of consumers. Furthermore, the people proposing, drafting and enacting the policies are unelected and practically unaccountable due to the impenetrable nature of both the EU and the WHO. What lobbying the WHO and EU does receive is from professional pressure groups funded by the same taxes, often handed out by the WHO and EU themselves.
Anyone who ignored the crusade against smoking in the recent past because they do not consume tobacco may soon be surprised to be targeted in just the same fashion as smokers were, simply for enjoying a beer or two at the end of the day. It is scandalous that the public’s free choices are being assaulted in this way without being allowed to vote for or against the measures. And, it is also arrogant and insulting for unaccountable bureaucrats to do so using our taxes. It was said that the reason temperance campaigners got away with imposing Prohibition a century ago was because they were organized while drinkers were “too busy drinking.” One can only hope that those who like a beer or two get organized quickly in opposition this time around.
Tuesday: Op-Ed: Let’s Stop Amtrak From Adding Routes Few Want
Wednesday: TPA Calls for the Resignation of Baltimore City Council President
Thursday: TPA’s Bill of the Month: Bipartisan Ban on Congressional Stock Ownership Act
Friday: Profile in Courage: Dr. Paul Farmer
February 20, 2022: The Deseret News (Salt Lake City, Utah) ran TPA’s op-ed, “The right public policies can ensure wildfires are not the new normal.”
February 21, 2022: WBFF Fox45 (Baltimore, Md.) interviewed me about the Kirwan Commission.
February 21, 2022: The Connecticut Post (Norwalk, Ct.) ran TPA’s op-ed, “After overdose death, state lawmakers should refrain from bans.
February 22, 2022: WBFF Fox45 (Baltimore, Md.) quoted TPA in their story, “City to spend $90-million on help for homeless.”
February 22, 2022: Patrick Hedger joined WTOP to discuss the Washington Commanders push to move their stadium to Virginia and what that means for VA taxpayers.
February 23, 2022: I appeared on the Chris Stigall Show on 990 AM (Philadelphia, Pa.) to talk about cyber security.
February 23, 2022: Dan Savickas joined The Barrett Brief Podcast (New Orleans, La.) to discuss news of the day.
February 23, 2022: The Hill mentioned TPA in their story, “Big Tech allies point to China, Russia threat in push to squash antitrust bill.”
February 23, 2022: Patrick Hedger joined The Mike Schikman Show on WSVA (Harrisonburg, Va.) to discuss the Washington Commanders wanting to move their stadium to Virginia
February 23, 2022: The Daily Mail quoted TPA in their story, “Pete Buttigieg accepted $250,000 and gifts from mayoral campaign donors who were later awarded $33million in city contracts, raising concerns of 'pay to play' as Transportation Secretary doles out $210billion in infrastructure plan.”
February 23, 2022: Breitbart quoted TPA in their story, “Report: Pete Buttigieg’s Donors Rewarded with $33M in South Bend City Contracts.”
February 23, 2022: The Washington Free Beacon quoted TPA in their story, “South Bend Cronyism: Top Donors Won Big Under Mayor Pete.”
February 23, 2022: The Livingston Parish News ran TPA’s op-ed, “Lawmakers should show some love to consumers and end sugar program.”
February 23, 2022: The Daily Wire quoted TPA in their story, “Obvious Stench’: Donors To Buttigieg’s Mayoral Campaigns Later Awarded Over $30 Million In City Contracts: Report.”
February 23, 2022: Newsmax quoted TPA in their story, “Donors to Buttigieg's Mayoral Campaign Awarded $33M in City Contracts.”
February 23, 2022: CBS Austin (Austin, Tx.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: WSBT CBS 22 (Mishawaka, In.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: Fox 28 (Savannah, Ga.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: ABC 45 WXLV (Winston-Salem, Nc.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: KPIC CBS4 (Roseburg, Or.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: KSNV NBC3 (Las Vegas, Nev.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: CBS 21 (Harrisburg, Pa.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: WBMA ABC 33/40 (Birmingham, Ala.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: KATV ABC7 (Little Rock, Ark.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: WCTI ABC12 (New Bern, Nc.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: KMPH FOX26 (Fresno, Cal.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: KOKH FOX25 (Oklahoma City, Ok.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: WHAM ABC13 (Rochester, Ny.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: WTVC ABC 9 (Chattanooga, Tn.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: Dayton 247 NOW (Dayton, Oh.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: WRGB CBS6 (Albany, Ny.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: KBOI CBS2 (Boise, Ida.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: KCBY CBS11 (North Bend, Or). quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: WEAR TV ABC 13 (Pensacola, Fl) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: WLUK Fox 11 (Green Bay, Wi) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: WBFF Fox45 (Baltimore, Md.) quoted TPA in their story, “Buttigieg campaign donors later received millions in South Bend city contracts, per report.”
February 23, 2022: The New York Post quoted TPA in their story, “Pete Buttigieg’s mayoral campaign donors scored $33M in city contracts.”
February 23, 2022: I appeared on WBOB 600 AM (Jacksonville, Fla.) to talk about Congress mandating a four-day work week and cyber security.
February 24, 2022: WBFF Fox45 (Baltimore, Md.) interviewed me about $90 million in federal money being used to fight homelessness in Baltimore.
February 25, 2022: Townhall.com ran TPA’s op-ed, “Elected Governments Must Ignore Gaslighting by the World Health Organization on Alcohol.”

Have a great weekend!