Tanzania’s Supreme Court declares child marriage unconstitutional

In a landmark ruling, Tanzania’s Supreme Court of Appeal has upheld a 2016 ruling banning parents from marrying off girls as young as 14. Read more: Girls Not Brides' website.

New brief: child marriage and violence against children

Did you know child brides are more likely to suffer from intimate partner violence, including sexual, physical, psychological and emotional violence? Learn more about child marriage and violence against children in our new brief.  

Stop stealing her childhood: we take our campaign to SDG summit

Over the past three months, Girls Not Brides members from all over the world have come together through our #StopStealingHerChildhood campaign. From Nepal to DRC, Girls Not Brides members called on their leaders to take action to end child marriage. Read more: Girls Not Brides' website. 

Share your everyday activism this #16days

Small actions can add up to create huge change. This 16 days of activism we want to celebrate you and your everyday actions to end child marriage and gender inequality in your family, community or country!

Send us your story, and a high quality photo to have a chance of featuring on our social media and website. Please apply by 21 November. 

New resources from Population Council

Designing a 'girl-centred' initiative? Girls Not Brides member Population Council has launched new tools to help you better understand girls and women's needs, and design programmes that meet them. 

“Building Girls’ Protective Assets: A Collection of Tools for Program Design” is a collection of tools and exercises that enable those who design and implement adolescent girl programmes to integrate a “Protective Asset-Building Approach” into programming.

The Girl Roster™: A Practical Tool for Strengthening Girl-Centered Programming is a digital information collection tool that can help programme staff and practitioners rapidly understand who are the girls and young women in the communities where they work using a door-to-door mobile phone-based questionnaire.

“Making the Most of Mentors: Recruitment, Training, and Support of Mentors for Adolescent Girl Programming” is a toolkit that provides resources to support different aspects of group-based programming for adolescents that has a particular emphasis on mentoring.

“More than a Backdrop: Understanding the Role of Communities in Programming” is an action guide that highlights the important role communities play in girl-centered programming, and the critical need to
understand local communities to increase the chances of program success.

“Building Assets Toolkit: Developing Positive Benchmarks for Adolescent Girls” provides programme implementers, policymakers, advocates, and adolescents themselves with everything they need to conduct the Building Assets Exercise, The Instruction Guide and Resource Manual is available in English and French, and the asset cards are available in English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Swahili, and Portuguese.

This webinar launched two of the above resources. 

Girls Not Brides members interested in youth advocacy and programming are invited to visit the Population Council resource hub at YouthPower.org, or to join a youth-focused community of practice: Youth in Peace and Security; Gender and ‘Positive Youth Development’; Youth Engagement and Cross Sectoral approaches.