
I am old enough to recall when Donald Trump was first impeached for holding military aid to Ukrainian President Zelensky hostage: ‘You either begin an investigation into Joe Biden or you won’t get the Javelin missiles Congress authorized.’

I’m also old enough to remember when my opponent, Senator Chuck Grassley, said that Trump’s behavior was perfectly fine – and voted against his removal from office.

Thankfully, we now have a President who understands the real threat Russia poses, and American Javelin missiles are currently helping Ukrainians defend themselves against the Russian tanks pouring across their border.

We need more leaders in the Senate who will defend democracy and put the interests of America and our allies first – not partisan political gain and the whims of a deranged demagogue. Chuck Grassley has proven that’s not him.

If I defeat Chuck Grassley and turn Iowa blue this November, I will be the most senior military person ever-elected to the United States Senate. But grassroots contributions keep campaigns going, and I need your help today if we’re going to win.

We’ve set a goal of raising another $300,000 before our end-of-month deadline so that we can fight back against all of McConnell’s Super PAC attacks. Right now, we’re still falling short, but there’s still time to make up the gap if grassroots donors like you chip in now:

Please, may I count on you to give $5 or more right now – whatever you can afford before our critical end-of-month fundraising deadline – to help me defeat Chuck Grassley, turn Iowa blue, and protect our Democratic majority in the Senate?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I am so grateful to have people like you on the team.

Together, we will defeat Chuck Grassley this November. It will be a defeat felt at the highest level of the GOP.

Thank you,

Mike Franken, VADM, U.S. Navy (ret.)