Orange County Register: Voters send clear message to the San Francisco school board


There’s no mistaking the message last week’s recall election sent to the San Francisco Board of Education: Focus on education, not racial politics.

Erin Wilcox writes that one motivation for the landslide results was the board’s decision to scrap merit-based admissions at the prestigious Lowell High School—the latest front in a campaign playing out nationwide to create preferred racial balancing at competitive public schools.

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The Hill: The Supreme Court should rebuke the EPA’s unconstitutional lawmaking



The Environmental Protection Agency is especially notorious for overreach. In recent years, the agency has sought to remake the energy sector under the Clean Air Act and to aggrandize its power as a roving land-use planner under the Clean Water Act.

But now, as Frank Garrison and Paige Gilliard explain, the Supreme Court has taken notice.

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New York Daily News: Get racial preferences out of medical treatment


In December, the FDA granted emergency approval for innovative antiviral medications to treat COVID-19—the biggest advance in the pandemic since the vaccines.

While we’re moving forward in combating the virus, Wen Fa tells us that New York is moving backward by making racial discrimination official healthcare policy.

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West Virginia seeks to end the use of harmful stereotypes in public education with PLF’s help


Imagine being taught at an early age to reduce a person’s identity or worth to immutable characteristics like race and gender.

Unfortunately, this trend is rapidly taking hold of the public education system.

Brittany Hunter details how PLF is helping states stop harmful stereotyping and shift the focus in K-12 education back to individuals.

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