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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Friday 15 November


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Thousands of children abused over witchcraft beliefs as number of known victims rockets by a third

The number of children known to have been abused in England over beliefs in witchcraft and possession has risen by a third in two years, figures show.

The Independent


General election 2019: Lib Dems 'to protect worshippers from attacks'

The Liberal Democrats have said they provide more money for security for places of worship and tougher sentences for hate crime if they win the general election.



Couples to sue over Northern Ireland same-sex marriage delays

Campaigners for same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland are planning legal action over government delays in converting civil partnerships into marriages.

The Guardian


‘The war against the non-religious: Blasphemy laws on the rise’

Andrew Copson says more people than ever live in countries with severely limited freedom of thought, expression and association, where criticising a religion, or simply being non-religious, can result in serious persecution.


‘A test for the conscience of Cardinal Nichols’

This editorial highlights failings in safeguarding in the Catholic Church, backs mandatory reporting of abuse and says the Vatican's refusal to cooperate with the public child abuse inquiry is scandalous.

The Tablet (£)


Ohio lawmakers propose total ban on abortion

A new bill sponsored by two Republican lawmakers in Ohio would completely end the practice of abortion in the US state – although judges have blocked similar laws.

The Washington Post


Pakistan leads in number of censorship requests sent to Facebook

Facebook made almost 18,000 content restrictions globally between January and July 2019, with 31% of requests coming from Pakistan.



‘Years after her death, my wife may yet change New Zealand's law on euthanasia’

In 2015 Lecretia Seales fought in vain for the right to have a say in her death, but her husband Matt Vickers says she blazed a trail.

The Guardian


Latest from the NSS


This isn’t the time to end the right to withdraw from RE in Wales

The Welsh government is considering removing the parental right to withdraw from religious education. Alastair Lichten argues that despite potential benefits, reforms don't go far enough to justify ending this longstanding right.


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