Dear John, Remember to join the upcoming Tuesday CODEPINK CONGRESS Calling Party and State of the Union viewing party as we mobilize for peace legislation! This call is the third event of our special series on foreign policy, which we are cohosting with Massachusetts Peace Action. Chat with peacemakers and experts this Tuesday, March 1st, at 5 pm PT/8 pm ET and view the State of the Union Address at 6pm PT/9pm ET: After you RSVP, take action
Join CODEPINK Congress, Massachusetts Peace Action, and the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security on Tuesday, March 1st to discuss what's happening in Ukraine, the role of NATO, and how we can be advocating for peace. This Capitol Calling Party will be followed by a viewing party of the State of the Union address at 6pm PT/9pm ET, accompanied by bingo and social media engagement led by the CODEPINK Peace Collective. The SOTU viewing will be followed by Rashida Tlaib's rebuttal - just stay on the original Zoom call! As Russia invades Eastern Ukraine, tensions mount between the U.S. and Russia, the world's most heavily armed nuclear nations. While many in Congress want to rush weapons to Ukraine, cooler heads must prevail with continued diplomatic efforts to address the security concerns of all involved. Join us as we look back at the promises broken with NATO expansion into Eastern Europe and look forward toward crafting a common security policy before NATO'S June summit in Madrid. FeaturingCol. Lawrence Wilkerson is an adjunct professor of government and public policy at the College of William and Mary and the former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell (2002 to 2005). He is a critic of U.S. foreign policy surrounding the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, Iran, and the new Cold Wars with China and Russia, and asserts that the U.S. is not a democracy but a war state that forces its will on the global community. In 2020, Wilkerson worked on bipartisan projects to prepare for the possibility that a defeated Donald Trump would refuse to leave office. Reiner Braun is the executive director of the International Peace Bureau, the founder of the No to NATO Network, and is active with the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES) and the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA). He is also the author of several books, including “Einstein and Peace” and a biography about the Peace Nobel Laureate Joseph Rotblat. ➡️ RSVP for the next event in our foreign policies series: Google Group & Local LeadersJoin our CODEPINK Congress Google Group, a space for sharing events and actions. Request to be added here! Become a CODEPINK Congress liaison in your district to mobilize support for demilitarization and progressive foreign policy! Sign up here as a volunteer organizer. Finally, if you missed our last meeting with advocates for Palestinian rights, you can view it here on YouTube. View the entire CODEPINK Congress archives here. Onward toward peace and
justice, |
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