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Friday, February 25th, 2022

The War in Ukraine

Glenn Greenwald

Mr. ‘X’ Is Rolling in His Grave

David Stockman

Welcome to the New ‘New World Order,’ Not Like the Old ‘New World Order’

Dave Lindorff

“They Didn’t Hear What We Told Them. They Had Better Hear This Time.” — Vladimir Putin

Paul Craig Roberts

Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis

Margaret Anna Alice

FDA Exec on Camera Reveals Future COVID Policy: ‘Biden Wants to Inoculate as Many People as Possible’

Alexandra Bruce

Supernova: The Brilliance of Eileen Gu

Kevin Duffy

Discrimination for Me but Not for Thee

Laurence M. Vance

Why Whoever Still Wears a Facial Mask Is a Complete Idiot

Fernando Chiocca

Scientific Fraud and the CDC

Robert W Malone MD, MS

Biden’s Cuban Missile Crisis

Jeff Deist

How Ukraine Fits into the Global Jigsaw

Alasdair Macleod

LRC Blog

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