Ken Calvert
for Congress
Friends –

This past July 4th, instead of celebrating our great country, radical Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez decided instead to once again attack those who protect America at our borders.

This comes after she has made false claims and even compared the holding facilities at the border to the Nazi concentration camps, effectively comparing our President to Hitler, our law enforcement to the SS, and trivializing the horrors of the Holocaust.

While giving a speech at the Christians United for Israel summit, Vice President Mike Pence responded:

"To compare the humane work of the dedicated men and women of Customs and Border Protection with the horrors of the Holocaust is an outrage. The Nazis took lives. American law enforcement saves lives every day."

I fully agree and stand with OUR Vice President in support for America's Law Enforcement Community.

Will you join me in standing with Mike Pence and chip in $10, $25 or more now to help me fight back against the radical Democrats' constant attacks on American values?

Ocasio-Cortez is the thought leader of a radical Democratic Party whose ideal future for America includes taxes to subsidize those who are unwilling to work, open borders, higher crime rates, and the destruction of the foundations that make AMERICA THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH.

The Democrats in Washington have gone too far with their outrageous anti-American agenda, and we must win back the House to stop them from destroying what makes America great. Help me fight back by rushing $10, $15, $25, $50, or whatever you can today.

God Bless America,

Congressman Ken Calvert

Paid for and authorized by
Ken Calvert for Congress

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