Hey team,

Thousands of people have really stepped up this week to help us hit our $550,000 goal, and we’re all so, so grateful for you.

But the truth is we’re still a little short -- and we need to hit this goal by tomorrow night. Our team calculated the numbers, and we need just 33 donors from Washington DC to reach that target.

Can we count on you to be one of the donors we need from Washington DC?

I’m going to level with you for a second. This race is only going to get more difficult for an underdog candidate like Cory. If we want to stay competitive in this thing, it’s critical that we hit every goal we set from here on out.

Cory’s not a billionaire that can boost his campaign with his own money, nor is he accepting checks from corporate PACs or federal lobbyists.

These funds will go directly toward getting Cory’s message out at a critical time in this race and getting a boost in the polls that will help him qualify for the December debate. We all know we simply can’t do it without people like you -- that’s why I’m sending you this email right now.

If you think Cory’s voice matters in this race, make a donation right now and help ensure we hit our $550,000 goal.

Thanks team,


Addisu Demissie
Campaign Manager
Cory 2020


Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

Contributions or gifts to Cory 2020 are not tax deductible.

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