It's finally time! Election Day is Tuesday! Here are links you need to be a good activist, a better activist, and a best activist! GOOD ACTIVIST
- Voting Recommendations for 30 Texas counties. You may have already voted, but have all your friends and family statewide made it to the polls? Help 'em out by sharing the link! Those judicial races are hard to judge (pun intended). ;-) We've got you covered.
- Are you or is someone you know afraid that being Anyone But Abbott is too risky? Maybe you think Abbott isn't so bad? Read this before coming to any conclusions you may regret!
- The TTP Board has been vetting and recommending candidates for 13 years -- and we've gotten pretty good at it! Why did we unanimously choose Huffines? If you're curious, you can read why here.
- Are you uncertain on who you should choose for yourself between the 3 challengers to Abbott? Check out the recording of the forum we hosted. It's been viewed nearly 10,000 times on various platforms by groups and individuals alike. Get educated before voting!
- So is it doable to replace Abbott? Check out this polling data...
BETTER ACTIVIST Don't just vote. Help a candidate! All candidates desperately need folks to stand outside the polls and greet voters. They are also looking for volunteers to call or text those who haven't voted yet to remind them to do so on Tuesday. With the crazy weather, turnout has been super low, and we don't want our peeps to forget to do their civic duty! There are three easy ways to make a difference:
- Contact a candidate you like and ask how you can help.
- Contact TTP Leadership in your area (we can help you connect if you reply to this email) and ask them to put you in touch with a candidate who needs help.
- Print the voter guide from the TTP website for your county, make copies, and go to the polls to pass them out. Or if ours doesn't match your preferences, change it up a bit!
Side note: If you are in the Tarrant County area, we would love for you to volunteer for a specific polling location in House District 91 where we are trying to replace Stephanie Klick with activist David Lowe. This has statewide ramifications because Klick is largely responsible for killing the bill that would have ended gender mutilation in children. We need all hands on deck here! Reply to this email if you're available for a shift. BEST ACTIVIST Honestly, I was torn which action item should be "better" and which should be "best", so just do 'em both and you're top notch in my book! So what's this 3rd call out? Attend the GOP Conventions!
- Step one is to attend your precinct convention right after the Primary Election. Traditionally, this happens at your polling location immediately after the polls close. Recently, counties have been scheduling for another evening that same week or a Saturday morning. Contact your county GOP office to find out where and when yours is being held. The meetings usually have almost no one show up and go very quickly.
- Submit resolutions at your Precinct Convention. Resolutions are the platform planks you want to see for defining what the Texas GOP wants out of our legislature. Several of our favorite organizations have drafted resolutions and are asking folks to submit them. You must print them out and submit them in triplicate (bring 3 copies to your precinct meeting). I know that Texans for Fiscal Responsibility has some ready for you! Reach out to your favorite organizations and ask them to send you any resolutions they want passed.
- At your Precinct Convention, request to be a delegate to the Senatorial Convention. These take a full Saturday, and they are the next step in moving along resolutions and delegates to the STATE Republican Convention.
- Attend the State GOP Convention as a delegate or alternate, and help us vote in our outstanding platform planks as well as leadership to the Texas GOP. They just sent out a great email providing additional information. It is important that we show up to vote for grassroots leadership in the State GOP Chair position and others, as well as to define our party beliefs and goals.
Elections and the Conventions are a great opportunity for grassroots to be heard. Do not silence yourself by missing out! Let's get a little bit louder! Julie McCarty Volunteer CEO |