Dear John,
Steve again, just checking in today from Ely, Minnesota, located just outside the Boundary Waters.
The Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters has its headquarters up here in Ely, which is also where I decided, back in 1978, to settle and grow my family business, Piragis Northwoods Company. Today, we are asking you to help protect this little slice of heaven with a donation to the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters.
Did you know that Ely hasn’t had a mine in over 50 years? In that time, Ely has built a blossoming main street of outfitters, restaurants, wilderness shops, and more. If the Twin Metals mine comes to fruition, Ely could start to look more like the mining towns of the past – at the mercy of international mineral prices, shops closed, and streets empty.
Thank you if you have already donated. More than 1,200 people like you have already contributed a total of $188,000, putting us at #3 on the Give to the Max Day large nonprofits leaderboard. Thanks to you, we are up there with some of the biggest nonprofits in Minnesota!
But we're not done yet -- give in the next five hours to help us reach our $200,000 goal!
So I’ll leave you with a question - how much is the Boundary Waters worth to you? If you feel like so many others do, and think that this place deserves protection, please consider making a gift today.

Thanks for being part of the movement.
Steve Piragis
Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters
P.S. anyone who donates to Save the Boundary Waters today for Give to the Max Day will be entered to win a Boundary Waters prize package!

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Save the Boundary Waters P.O. Box 625 Ely, MN 55731 United States