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CPJ Insider: March edition

A Ukrainian military instructor holds a training session

A Ukrainian military instructor holds a training session for civilians amid fears of a possible Russian invasion. (AFP/Sergei Supinsky)

CPJ's Gulnoza Said on fears for journalists as Russia invades Ukraine

After threatening to do so for months, Russian President Vladimir Putin has launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a move that U.S. President Joe Biden called “a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering.” Now, Ukraine is bracing for full-scale conflict. Here, we speak to Gulnoza Said, CPJ’s Europe and Central Asia program coordinator, about what we can expect for journalists in Ukraine. Learn more »

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JG January 10.jpgCNN's Amanpour speaks to CPJ's new president, Jodie Ginsberg

In January, CPJ announced we had found our new president, press freedom advocate Jodie Ginsberg. Until Ginsberg takes her place at the head of the organization in April, Robert Mahoney, who for years has served as CPJ's deputy executive director, has been appointed executive director. Learn more »


In a series of moving interviews, CPJ asked five Afghan journalists what they chose to put in the one bag they were allowed to bring with them when they fled the country last year. One of them, who brought a jar of soil, said, "It is a piece of Afghanistan that we will keep with us."   

Some journalists reporting on protests against vaccine mandates for truckers in Canada are being harassed and assaulted. One of them told CPJ, "There's a general sense that attacking journalists is now normal."  

CPJ called on Israel to fully investigate allegations that its police used Pegasus spyware to hack journalists' phones. "By allowing Pegasus spyware to proliferate worldwide," CPJ said, "the Israeli government has unleashed a monster that now appears to be going after Israeli journalists." 

CPJ in the news

Daniel Ortega’s regime sentenced journalist and former presidential candidate Miguel Mora to 13 years in prison,” Oicanadian

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Senators Rubio, Kaine urge Mexico to protect its journalists,” NBC News

Sharp rise in murders of journalists in Mexico prompts calls for change,” PBS NewsHour

Any journalist could be a target—how reporters in Mexico are coping with a killing spree that keeps getting worse,” Forbes

Journalists working with UN freed by Taliban,” The Hill

Fears mount for mental state of imprisoned blogger Mohamed Oxygen after refusal to attend mother’s funeral,” Mada Masr

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