News from Representative Allred

February 24, 2022

Dear Friend,

This morning we woke up to disturbing news coming out of Ukraine. I wanted to share my thoughts with you and let you know that if you need assistance dealing with the US State Department, my team may be able to help. 

Russia’s unprovoked further invasion of their sovereign, democratic neighbor is the most serious threat to international security since World War II and must be met with swift, severe and united action. 

My thoughts are with the people of Ukraine and they should know that the United States stands with them in this fight for their country, democracy and the right to self-determination.

In close coordination with our allies in the European Union, NATO, and around the world, we must now move quickly and decisively to isolate and cripple Russia economically while also supporting the legitimate, democratically elected government of Ukraine as they resist this attack.

Russia has chosen this war, and there is no doubt that it will emerge poorer, weaker and more isolated internationally because of this action. By invading Ukraine, Putin has made a strategic mistake by simultaneously uniting the West, the EU, NATO and even the U.S. Congress as well as dramatically underestimating the will of the Ukrainian people. 

By publicly and repeatedly denying Putin any claim to international legitimacy and countering Russian misinformation the Biden Administration has ably navigated this Russian-made crisis. I have personally seen and participated in the Administration’s extraordinary efforts to inform and gather our allies to this task over the course of weeks. 

That work will now be critical as we seek to end this conflict and restore the rules-based international order. I look forward to working with the President towards that goal. 

This is a tenuous time for democracies, as autocrats test our resolve and we work to ensure the right to self-determination can thrive across the world – including here at home. 

Ukraine is a democracy and its people have a right to determine their own fate, free from bullying, intimidation and violence. If the structures of the post-World War II era cannot ensure that right, then we must implement the changes needed to ensure something like this never happens again. 

As a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, I know there is a bipartisan agreement for action that will help Ukraine defend itself, stabilize its economy and punish Russia for its illegal and unprovoked actions. I am dedicated to working with my colleagues to address this crisis, protect Ukraine and work toward reestablishing stability and security in the region and the world.

If you or someone you know are in Ukraine right now, the US State Department is advising US Citizens to leave immediately if possible. Most importantly, if assistance is needed:

Visit the US State Department’s website for more information, including land crossings.

Complete the US State Department’s online assistance form.

Call: +1 606 260 4379 outside the U.S.

Call: +1 833 741 2777 from the U.S.

Email: [email protected]

If you need assistance dealing with the US State Department, my team is here to connect you with the proper resources. Give us a call at (972) 972-7949.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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