Dear Friend,
We want to give you an update on the status of the Postal Service Reform Act, and let you know where we go from here.
Please let us explain.
As you know, for the last two weeks, APWU members have been calling their Senators, urging them to vote “YES” on this historic piece of postal legislation. You, and postal workers like you, have been making these calls because this bill is the most important piece of postal legislation in 20 years.
The good news is, our calls have been going well.
So far we have made more than 7,500 calls to the U.S. Senate, letting our elected officials know that postal workers are watching, and won’t take “no” for an answer.
Now, with the Senate returning on Monday, we expect a vote to take place on this critical legislation any day.
So, to get this bill over the finish line, we are announcing a day of action on Monday February 28th, to put the maximum amount of pressure on these Senators when they return to work.