Dear friend of Israel and the Jewish people,
The situation in Ukraine has gone dramatically out of control. With the country under attack, many people are fleeing, and food supplies are rapidly running out. There’s a war going on and Russian troops are already advancing on Kiev, Ukraine’s capital.
As Christians for Israel, we have been active in Ukraine for almost twenty years now. From the Jewish community we hear that many Jews are panicking. In Ukraine, over the centuries, the Jews have been blamed again and again. In times of crisis, antisemitism always rears its head there in its most horrific form. Our team receives requests from Jews all over Ukraine who want to leave for Israel as soon as possible.
"Come! Come! Flee from the land of the north,” declares the LORD, “for I have scattered you to the four winds of heaven,” declares the LORD” (Zechariah 2:6). The need to leave resonates here. The land of the North is a description we find more often in the books of the Prophets and refers to the countries of the former Soviet Union. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many Jews immigrated to Israel. Many lived in Ukraine. Now, there is no time to be lost. Israel is ready to welcome the 200,000 Jews from Ukraine.
As Christians, we are called to support the Jewish people. Over the past two months, our team in Ukraine has made all possible preparations for an emergency situation like this. Through the Chief Rabbi of the Netherlands, Binyomin Jacobs, we are in contact with many Jewish communities on the ground. Supplies for emergency relief have been built up and distributed, overnight accommodations have been arranged, plans for transportation are in place. The exodus may begin at any moment now.
Will you pray for the Jewish people in Ukraine? That they may leave the country safely, that God will provide ways to get away before it is too late, that transportation may soon begin, that they may arrive safely in the Promised Land, and that they may build a future there. You’ll understand that a lot of money is needed to face this emergency situation, and we ask you kindly to support generously. It is a great blessing that we as Christians have the opportunity to bless God’s people and contribute to their return to Israel.
In His Shalom,
Dr. Leon Meijer, Chairman
Rev. Willem J.J. Glashouwer, President
Rev. Cornelis Kant, Executive Director
Koen Carlier, C4I Ukraine
You can make an online donation by using the button below of you can make a direct bank transfer, using the following details (Please mention ‘Emergency Aid Ukraine’)
Christians for Israel International
Nijkerk, The Netherlands
NL57 ABNA 05245.05.209
US $ Account IBAN
NL12 ABNA 06275.15.460
Swift Code for both accounts: ABNANL2A
You can read more about the current situation in Ukraine on our website