From the steps of our Capitol to the streets of Kyiv, the cause of liberty binds us.

Dear John,


Like most Americans, we watch with grave concern the unlawful and reprehensible invasion of Ukraine. Our hearts go out to the Ukrainian people, and we hope for a peaceful solution that recognizes their national sovereignty and inalienable right to freedom. But as Vladimir Putin makes it clear he will not be deterred, we pray for President Biden, his Administration, and Congressional leaders of both parties. May wisdom and unity lead our national response.
This is not an opportunity for partisan games; it is a calling for America to rise as one in defense of democracy and liberty.
And yet, for the opponents of democracy, this crisis is also an opportunity to advance their radical agenda. Theirs is a message of indifference to human freedom, and complicity in oppression. They idolize dictators like Vladimir Putin, and value the mirage of might over the principles of self-determination.
This week, far-right talking heads, politicians, and even the former president himself, lined up to praise and defend Putin’s assault on a free people. They’ve shared his propaganda and put themselves squarely on the side of autocracy.
Reasonable people can disagree on how best to respond to this crisis, but all Americans should stand on the side of democracy.
But the same people who sought to violently overturn our 2020 election are unsurprisingly aligning with a dictator who seeks to violently overthrow a democracy in Ukraine. From the steps of our Capitol to the streets of Kyiv, the cause of liberty binds us.
This is the choice we face today: to defend the last best hope for mankind on Earth, or to let the light of liberty be extinguished by the steady march of tyranny. The choice will be made not by the dictators and autocrats, but by the brave men and women around the world who stand up against them.
Thank you for choosing democracy.
Renew America Movement


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