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The pandemic wreaked havoc on local economies and lives, but for banks, it was an opportunity to speed up the disappearance of traditional brick-and-mortar branches and services in cities and towns across the nation.

NCRC’s new report shows that more than 4,000 physical bank branch locations have closed since March 2020. In the 20 months after COVID-19 hit, banks closed about twice as many branches as they had in the 20 months prior.

Join us on Thursday, March 3 at 2 pm ET to hear from NCRC’s research team, and dig into how this is affecting our communities and what can be done to stop it.

Register now

Speakers include:

  • Jad Edlebi, Senior GIS Specialist, NCRC
  • Bruce Mitchell, Senior Research Analyst, NCRC
  • Jason Richardson, Director of Research and Evaluation, NCRC

Register now to make sure you don’t miss this important discussion. 

And make sure to check out the report!


Press release: Study: Banks Doubled The Pace Of Branch Closures During The Pandemic
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