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Thursday, February 24th, 2022

New JAMA Paper Shows Ivermectin Blows the Covid Vaccines Out of the Water

Steve Kirsch

German Public Health Insurer: Vaccine Side Effects Maybe 8 to 10 Times More Frequent Than Officially Reported


Military Torturers at Guantanamo Bay

Andrew P. Napolitano

What Would Joe Sobran Say?

Peter Maurice

Tales of the Oppressed: the Whining Continues

George Hollenback

The Treason of the Ruling Class

Steve McCann

Russia and China Should Go Their Own Way

Paul Craig Roberts

Jordan Peterson: Conspiracy Theorist

Bionic Mosquito

Hyenas in the Kitchen

The Good Citizen

Message to the President from Freedom Convoy USA 2022

Alexandra Bruce

The Birth of the Baby Twins: Russia’s Strategic Swing Drives NATOstan Nuts

Pepe Escobar

How to End Vaccine Mandates — A History Lesson

Dr. Joseph Mercola

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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